Video – The damaged victims of the gender transition cult.


I’ve met in real life a number of detransitioners. Some of them were lucky and got out before they had too much damage done to their bodies by sex altering drugs or by surgery but others were not so lucky.

To give but two examples among many: I once met a young woman who was embarking on the path of having herself chemically and surgically destroyed in order to become the simulacrum of a male. She managed to get out of the trans cult, realised she’d made a mistake, accepted that she is female and is now more together mentally and with a beautiful baby, a baby that she would not have been able to carry had she continued with her trans delusion. She got out before too much medical harm was done.

Another person I met and had long chats with who had detransitioned was not so lucky. He transitioned from male to female in the mid 1980’s when being gay or bi was less socially acceptable. He told me that initially he transitioned via drugs and surgery into having the appearance of a woman as a way of dealing with same sex feelings. However as society changed and the AIDS-related homophobia of the eighties subsided, he realised that he’d made an awful error in transitioning. He realised that at heart he was a gay male but now because of his bodily changes which had given him hormone induced breasts and an ersatz vagina, no gay man would go near him. He was stuck. Stuck in a half life world where he would never be able to properly function sexually with a partner even if he could find one.

Those who manage to escape the cult of trans, if they do it early before there is any medical or surgical intervention, truly do escape. They come away from their brush with the world of trans without any physical harm, although they might need some therapy to deal with the experience that they’ve had in a trans cult that fetishises transition, as well as whatever hurt them mentally in the first place, stuff that may have led to the gender identity issues.

Harrowing is the only word I can properly use to describe both the experience and stories of those who have detransitioned, both those who I have encountered in real life and those whose accounts I have read about. Harrowing is also the word that the Lotuseaters guys chose to use to describe the life stories of those who have decided to transition but then have later realised that they’ve made a horrible and life limiting error.

This is a cracking video which really does or rather should bring home what those who detransition go through. What’s been done to these people, most of whom should have had therapy rather than hormones and surgical knives, is truly horrific. People left in abject pain, with non-functioning reproductive systems and genitalia mutilated beyond recognition.

I get the same feeling hearing the stories in the video below as I got when I discovered the uses and abuses of Lobotomies. There is sadly a worryingly strong similarity between the fad for Lobotomies and the current fad for surgical and medical gender transition. Both these fads seemed to those who promoted them to be miracle cures, in Lobotomy’s case a cure for previously incurable mental illness and with trans a surgical cure for a mental illness.

A short while back I wrote again on the subject of the cult of trans and referred to those providing gender transition for young and vulnerable people as ‘mini-Mengeles’. Afterwards I wondered whether I was going to far with this description and entering Godwin’s world. But the more I see of the damage done to both detransitioners and the relative lack of positive outcomes for transition using treatments that are to be quite frank often experimental with drugs being used ‘off label’, the more certain I am that the analogy was at least partially correct. It takes a certain type of blinkered, ideology driven, morally vacuous and yes evil individual to experiment on live children in a concentration camp and maybe it’s a similar type of personality who believes it right and proper to tell mentally distressed and emotionally vulnerable seventeen year old girls to get their breasts cut off as it will make them happy again.

Please watch the video via the link below. If you are at all human you should be angry at what blind adherence to shonky ideologies can do.

2 Comments on "Video – The damaged victims of the gender transition cult."

  1. The more widely read this posting is the better, common sense is all too rare these days.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 10, 2022 at 2:49 pm |

      Thank you for the compliment. Please feel free to share. The plight and it is indeed a plight, of detransitioners and those who desist from a previous identification as trans is the trans activist community’s dirty little secret. The life stories of detransitioners are the stories that need to be heard as they are a counterbalance to the constant mantra of ‘affirmation’ that we get from trans activists. The existence of detransitioners shows that there are often terrible human costs to affirming a person’s delusion. Transition should be reserved only for those adults, who are sane in all other ways and whose brains have fully finished developing, for whom therapy to allow them to accept their bodies as they are has not worked. It is not a cure for the confused or warped or implanted feelings that might be experienced by kids or vulnerable young adults.

      There’s also a large dollop of gay and bi hatred behind too much of the trans ideology with people transitioning from male to female for example because they have negative feelings about being attracted to men either wholly or partially and see transitioning as a way of not being a gay or bi man but instead a ‘woman’ for whom being attracted to men is normal. It’s how transitioning is used in Iran as a way of excising gay and bi men from their society by turning them into ersatz women.

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