Specialist terror journalist says that Sadiq Khan is wrong. Islamist not Far Right terror is the most dangerous future threat.

Sadiq Khan - Wrong again. This time about what terror threat is of most concern.


Whenever I see the name Wasiq Wasiq as a byline I know that I’m going to get a realistic and honest assessment of whatever he is writing about. I may not always agree with everything he says or writes but his viewpoint is nearly always worth listening to and considering.

Mr Wasiq has produced a very thought provoking article for the website of the think tank the European Eye on Radicalisation which takes aim at Sadiq Khan, the Greater London Mayor, who has claimed that Far Right terror is a greater and more pressing threat than Islamist terror. Mr Wasiq shows that Sadiq Khan is wrong by examining the rise of Islamic terror and its effects and proving that it is from violent interpretations of Islam where most future terror will come from.

Mr Wasiq said that although what he defines as far right violence will be a problem, it is not in his opinion the primary problem or the terrorism problem that will define the 21st century. He believes that based on what has gone before, the potential for current and future violence and the growing strength of Islamist activists both in wider society and inside Britain’s prisons, that the vast majority of terror threats will be Islam related.

He said of Sadiq Khan’s views:

Whether it is in open society or behind bars, Islamist extremists’ determination to be pragmatic and adapt themselves, proves to be more fatal that the threat from the far-Right. So, whilst the threat from the far-Right maybe the fastest growing one, the actual threat Britain is primarily facing in the here and now is still coming from Islamist extremists. If Sadiq Khan ignores this, not only are his priorities misplaced, but he shows a lack of understanding of matters of national security. Islamist extremism is defining the domestic security challenges of this century, not the far-Right.

Read his piece via the link below.


I’m afraid that Sadiq Khan saying ‘look over there’ at what is currently a very low level problem of far right violent extremism with operators in this field being mostly lone losers whilst ignoring the far greater problem of Islam-inspired violence is par for the course for this appalling politician. Whilst any reasonable person would and should be worried about neo-Nazis becoming violent, it’s also right and proper to understand that although there are few neo-Nazi headcases out there they are indeed few and have little in the way of wider support. Islamic terrorists on the other hand are many, the vast majority of the 40k individuals who are on terrorism watch lists or who are being monitored are Islamists.

I’d like to hope that one day Sadiq Khan will fully recognise what a threat to society and security the various Islam inspired extremists are and then properly and vehemently denounce them and their support networks. Sadly I don’t think this will happen and we will continue to see Khan talk up lesser problems whilst saying little or nothing meaningful about far larger and far more threatening problems.


2 Comments on "Specialist terror journalist says that Sadiq Khan is wrong. Islamist not Far Right terror is the most dangerous future threat."

  1. Phil Copson | June 20, 2022 at 7:45 am |

    The point is that Khan doesn’t regard Islamists as a “threat to society”, but as the basis for society.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 20, 2022 at 1:18 pm |

      It looks distinctly iffy that Khan doesn’t denounce the bigger threat and talks up the lesser long term threat.

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