Goodness gracious great balls of cack.


The one candidate, Kemi Badenoch, that might have inspired me and other lapsed Conservative Party members into having enthusiasm for supporting the party again, has been knocked out of the leadership race. She’s been knocked out by Tory MP’s who don’t appear to want to have a leader who promotes genuinely conservative policies.

Instead they seem to want to be led by either a person who lost control of the economy and allowed fraudsters to steal billions in Covid relief, Rishi Sunak or a person in the form of Liz Truss whose enthusiasm for the Brexit we voted for is less than visible and whose personality is less ‘Iron Lady’ and more plastic bag blowing in the wind. These two are joined by Penny Mordant who not only has an astonishingly few endorsements from those who’ve worked with her but who also is less than sound on the issue of women’s rights and who has helped to facilitate the activities of the trans cult within government. None of these candidates inspire me one bit and I don’t see myself rushing down the polling station to vote Conservative when the General Election comes. The best of a very very bad bunch is Liz Truss and the fact that she is the ‘best’ of what is likely to be on offer to the Tory party membership says a lot about the paucity of talent in today’s Conservative Party.

The Conservative Party members, who will end up voting for either of the top two candidates presented to them by the MP’s, have an unenviable choice before them. They will have to choose which of the candidates is the least worst option for both the country and the party. In my view that’s not a position that the party members should have been put in, the members should have had much more of a choice when it comes to who leads. After all it is the members who will be doing the door-knocking and other campaign work when the election comes. The leader should have been someone who inspired both party members to get the vote out and a person who would be attractive to voters by way of policy and personality. Neither Sunak, Truss or Mordant are likely to have the sort of policies that will get people voting Tory especially as times ahead are likely to be difficult both economically and socially. It’s also unlikely that any of these candidates will be able to inspire party workers to do all those things that are necessary to promote a candidate or a party at election time.

I can understand the arguments made against Kemi Badenoch that she is inexperienced and has not held one of the great offices of state, but then this lack of high office experience did not stop Margaret Thatcher from becoming party leader and later Prime Minister. However, being knocked out of this leadership contest might be a blessing in disguise for Ms Badenoch. It’s likely that there will be a great reaction against the mess that the Tories have made of the economy and of energy security at the next General Election and Labour will win by default because of voters choosing to vote against the Tories rather than voting positively for Labour. A Labour government will of course screw up on the important issues and this will pave the way for a Tory party that might be more willing when in opposition to choose Ms Badenoch or someone like her as leader next time to appeal to those who want an alternative to Labour.

As for me I can’t see myself voting for the Tories under any of the current leadership candidates. None of them inspire and some of them I positively detest. I see myself voting for Reform even though there are some policies that they have that I believe will end up doing more harm than good such as an elected House of Lords, or even an independent if they are good enough. Voting Tory at present means voting for the economic and social suicide which his Net Zero, it means more failures to control Britain’s borders and a continual failure to rein in a highly politicised Civil Service. I can’t seem myself voting for any of that.


4 Comments on "Goodness gracious great balls of cack."

  1. My views precisely. The only two decen candidates were Kemi Badenoch and Suella Braverman, no gone. The rest is a Blairite shitshow.
    Reform seems to be the only alternative, but like you dislike the idea of an elected Lords as this will go down the US route of being hijacked and corrupted by party politics.
    Had UKIP been able to hold onto a leader and no become a squabbling mess, I’d still be a member. Dropped them in 2016. Brief sojourn with the Heritage party another doomed to extinction.
    I am now politically homeless. I was a Conservative member for 27yrs previous, a borough councillor and deputy chairman of the local association for a while, but was never allowed to drive the political agenda and after being knifed one to many times ditched them unceremoniously in 2012 when they wouldn’t even select me for my own ward, putting me into a no-hoper.
    British politics has become a toxic swamp with rather too many “worthies” in thrall to outside powers WEF, WHO, EU, UN, ECHR etc.
    As you have said, there needs to be a wholesale clear-out of the SPADS and politicised mandarins.
    I see no willingness to tackle the scourge of the Religion of Death, the cross channel invasion, face down the duplicitous EU and our “allies”.
    The NetZeroGrossStupidity is sleepwalking us into real austerity, poverty and stagflation and for what, apart fromhanding production and prosperity to China Our constant demonising of Russia instead of helping them I to a mutually beneficial relationship has put us where we are. I’m not surprised at Putin finally having enough, plus Ukraine aren’t quite the angels they’re painted as.
    We have a senile dead-shark-eyed sock puppet in the White House helping Iran get a nuclear bomb.
    Meanwhile, we brought our entire political house down over some birthday cake and Tesco sarnies while the leader of the UK Palestine Party did far worse but the corrupt Durham Plods saw fit to ignore.
    The problem with Boris is that he should’ve firmly put it to bed, by saying once and for all at PMQs, “Is this ALL that concerns you? What with Covid, the boat invaders, energy shortages,etc” and refused to allow further discussion.
    As always the “Brutus mob” decided to commit political suicide and bugger the UK.
    If they’d tackled the Cult of Trans, abandoned the NetZeroGrossStupidity, taken on the BLM/Antifa/XR loons, read the riot act to the useless Plods, and been REAL Conservatives, we wouldn’t be where we are, possibly on the precipice of being misruled by the UK Palestine Party and it’s ruinous never changing, one more try, politics.
    One last thing, had they tackled the grooming gender crap in schools and the dealt with the corrupt universities removing public funding from crap courses, they’d have guaranteed a further 2 terms at least.

  2. Once again we have a ‘least worst’ situation in politics. In the recent by-election in my area we had people voting, not for who they wanted, but for the person who had the greatest chance of beating the person they didn’t want to win. I despair for democracy.

    • After the woeful antics of the Tory party in general and my Tory MP in particular that’s exactly what I shall do at the next election. I don’t think we have been a democratic nation in any meaningful way for quite a time now.

  3. I would respectfully suggest there were no decent or trustworthy candidates in the Tory PM selection. To the best of my knowledge all of them dutifully trooped through the voting lobby to change the rules to save Patterson when he was caught on the take for lobbying. They didn’t care if he was guilty or not they wanted to change the rules to protect one of their own. A disgusting display for which I resigned my party membership as I just couldn’t be a party of such a sleazy outfit. Now they want us to trust and support them because they are good and decent people?

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