Housekeeping August 2022.

'I say Caruthers! It says here that Mr Fahrenheit has acquired himself a new computer. No more being able to make a coffee whilst an image exports'


Posting is of necessity at the moment very light due to privilege of increased child wrangling duties imposed on me by the six week summer school holidays. I have been somewhat diverted by having to supervise Laughing Boy whilst he gets to do tree climbing, perform with a theatre group,have playground and soft play area visits and help him engage in other similar things or having to cover for my wife when she’s child wrangling.

Hopefully things will get back to some sort of normal with regards frequency of posts when the school holidays end. In the meantime there will be an increase in ‘From Elsewhere’ posts and comments and a reduction in the sort of long form posts that take me time to write and research. I might also return to social media when time allows after taking an enormous amount of time away from it due to social media being a bit of a time sink. I love debating with others and mocking the flat earthers and loonspuds on SM but it’s something that can, if you let it, eat into your available time and leave less available to do other stuff.

4 Comments on "Housekeeping August 2022."

  1. Good luck with the child care, not a thing I have the patience for too often these days. Also child care is so much more convincing than the standard ” it’s COVID in it” we hear so much off these days.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 21, 2022 at 8:18 am |

      Thanks. It’s fun but time consuming. Hardest but most rewarding job I’ve ever had. Personally I believe that the schools should have shortened their summer and Easter holiday periods at least in order to help kids catch up with lost learning. The problem is I doubt that the unions would agree to that.

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