And now for some good news. A decent humane and respectful interaction.


There are a lot of lies and slanders put about about Britain and Britons. Many of these lies and slanders are put about by those on the political Left and concern allegations that Britons are inherently ‘racist’ or ‘xenophobic’ or unnecessarily hostile to those who believe something different from the majority. That has never been my experience. Sure there are arseholes, every society and culture has some, but I have also found that such people are not the majority.

A good example of a humane and respectful interaction comes from a short video featured on the Israellycool website. A videoographer doing a food review in Westcliff On Sea asks a passing Orthodox Jew whether they would like a slice of the pizza he was reviewing. The Jewish guy said ‘sorry I only eat Kosher’ to which the non-Jew said ‘oh sorry didn’t realise’. There then followed a brief conversation about why the Jewish man was carrying a bunch of leaves (it was during the festival of Succot) and the pair then parted in a respectful and friendly manner.

This video, linked on the Israellycool below, really made me smile.