Video – Socialism’s dirty little secret.


Modern day socialism has a dirty little secret. It’s a secret that hits hard at its claim that it is the polar opposite of the murderous fascist ideologies of the mid 20th century. What contemporary socialists do not want the average bod to know is that the roots of both Italian Fascism and German National Socialism are in the collectivism espoused by Karl Marx and others who are the bedrock of what today is referred to as the Left.

Italian Fascism under Benito Mussolini had a policy where ‘everything was inside the state but nothing could be outside the state’ and Nazi Germany had polices that coerced private individuals and private businesses into doing the bidding of the Nazi Party. In Nazi Germany there was no concept and a complete forbidding of private companies doing stuff or producing stuff that the state did not give approval for. This means that there’s not much difference there in my view between the statism of Italian and German fascist policies and the Communist idea of there being no private property, no dissenting thought and with the state at the centre of everything.

The reason for writing this piece is that I’m getting more and more pissed off with the double standard that is applied with regards to the 20th century’s godawful authoritarian ideologies. It is, quite rightly in my view, socially and politically unacceptable to display the symbols of Nazism or agree with the Nazis in modern day Western countries like the United Kingdom. But not a word is said about socialists displaying the emblems of Communism which is an ideology that has killed, at a conservative estimate, at least 80 million people. Both these ideologies are as foul as the other, they are both cheeks of the same rancid arse.

Now of course I’m not arguing that it should be socially acceptable to be a neo-Nazi, far from it, but what should be happening is that free societies treat the Communist Hammer and Sickle with the same level of disgust as we rightly treat the Nazi Swastika. Therefore I was delighted to discover recently an excellent video from a few years back by the YouTube commentator Razorfist. In this video Razorfist digs into the commonalities between fascism and communism and it is very enlightening. Razorfist makes the point that quite a few of the Nazis collectivist talking points would not look out of place in a socialist group or in an ideology based on socialism. He’s correct in that if you take away the parts that identify an ideology as being fascist or communist such as the targets of the ideology whom the ideology marks for death or exclusion then what you have are ideologies that are very similar to each other at least in terms of how they view the individual.

Razorfist’s video is excellent and seemingly well researched and is one that is worth watching as it blows apart one of the major claims of the Marxist Left which is that it is the polar opposite of fascism. Both fascism and communism are failed and murderous ideologies and maybe it’s time to treat them as being both as awful as one another.

Here’s Razorfist’s video.

2 Comments on "Video – Socialism’s dirty little secret."

  1. Siddi Nasrani | November 14, 2022 at 10:31 am |

    I found this information that said,” Socialism is the first step to Communism”.

    Vladimir Lenin, who led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, saw communism as a “higher stage” of socialism. Socialism, in this line of thinking, was the first step toward a new society after the inevitable collapse of capitalism. Eventually socialism, considered a first, necessary step, would develop into communism.

    And to think years ago I called myself a Socialist !!

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 14, 2022 at 10:43 am |

      Yes indeed which is why I often use Socialism and Communism interchangeably because to all intents and purposes they are one and the same. BTW another way that the modern political Left screw around with the historical record is how they treat Lenin. They treat him as the good guy whose ideas Stalin corrupted. Unfortunately the truth is that there could not have been Stalin’s purges without the earlier Red Terror organised by Lenin.

      One big lie espoused by the Communists is that with worker control then the state would wither away and die. I don’t think I’ve seen any socialist or communist country where this has happened.

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