Himdia Stillaboy makes an arse of himself by arguing about sex and gender with a Rabbi.


There’s recently been a sort of religion-on-religion clash happening on Twitter. This time it’s not ‘the usual suspects’ having a go at everyone else, or the Quakers and the Jains going all uncharacteristically medieval on each other, instead it’s a representative of the religion or rather cult of trans versus a highly educated and intelligent Jewish Rabbi.

Let’s introduce the combatants in this contest.

First up and in the blue and white corner is Rabbi Zvi Solomons. This man is a Rabbi whom I cannot but admire because of his intellect, humanity and learning, something that shines through even via the medium of his Twitter account. I may not agree with him on everything, whether that be on religious or political matters, but I respect him. Part of the reason I respect him is his steadfast support for women’s rights and the need, one required for the safety and dignity of both men and women, for same sex spaces. He undertakes this morally and politically necessary work in the face of monstrous screaming on social media from various aggressive and often ethically vacuous trans rights activists. Reading Rabbi Solomons’s social media engagement with trans rights activists is like watching a master sanity inspector at work, using facts and logic to defeat the fact-free magical thinking of the trans activists and generally unclog the brains of those who have been unthinkingly chanting ‘trans women are women’, despite there being no evidence that this is the case.

One of those trans rights activists who have taken issue with Rabbi Solomons and his defence of biological sanity is our second combatant who is occupying the Arsenical yellowy green corner, India Willoughby, also referred to as ‘Himdia Stillaboy’ and ‘Botox Chucky’ by some of the more waggish members of the Gender Critical community. Prior to putting on a dress and joining the gender identity cult India went by the name of Jonathan Willoughby and worked as a newsreader for an ITV station in Cumbria in the North West of England and later worked as a cross dressing public relations executive called ‘Joanne’. He’s been a relatively long standing feature of the trans rights agitation community and has quite a high profile and a lot of platforms for his activism, so much so that I might reasonably surmise that his previous work in PR and journalism might have helped in gaining him mainstream media platforms and generally raising his profile.

Now that the dramatis personae, Himida and Rabbi Zvi, have been introduced let us now move onto Himdia getting his arse metaphorically handed to him on a plate.

Himdia was arguing with Rabbi Zvi and following the Rabbi stating that ‘any decent man’ supports women. Himdia basically accused Rabbi Zvi of being a type of Nazi for supporting women and others involved in the gender critical movement. You can see the relevant parts of the conversation in the screenshot that Rabbi Zvi put up on his timeline and which I’ve pasted below.

Rabbi Zvi then replied to Himdia:

Only a true antisemite would try to bring my ethnicity into the debate on gender. Using a smear that a rabbi sides w Nazis to push the lie that GC thought calls for the elimination of trans people is one of the most ignorant, counter-factual moves of this anti-science movement.”

Bravo Rabbi, bravo. Well said there. It is indeed the mark of a Jew hater to focus primarily on the Rabbi’s ethnicity and religion rather than the man’s argument. It wasn’t even an argument against Rabbi Zvi’s religious ideology or the main subject of the argument which is about aspects of the transgender ideology. It is a monstrous slur towards the Rabbi, who is quite clearly not trying to shove weeping Danny La Rue lookalikes into the pits of hell but instead is only recognising and speaking about the same biological reality that everyone in the world accepted from time immemorial right up until just a few years ago when the ‘trans rights movement’ got into its stride. Jonathan/India/Himdia/Botox Chucky Willoughby has got his arse handed to him on a big gold platter by the Rabbi who has rightly called Willoughby out both on his historical ignorance and also his gender ideology’s denial of clear and biological science which shows us that there are men and there are women and that it is impossible to truly change one’s sex. What’s also quite amusing about this is that for Willoughby this is not just an arse handed on a plate moment but also he’s committed a definite Godwin infringement as he’s brought to the argument a false comparison with the Nazis.

It’s a factual double win then for the Rabbi to call Willoughby out on his ignorance of history and show up Willoughby’s Reductio ad Hitlerum argument that he uses to try to make out that a Rabbi standing up to an aggressive male dominated ideology called transgenderism and for the rights of women, is some sort of Nazi. Willoughby made a stupid argument based on emotion and ignorance and lauched it at a very clever and respected Rabbi. The stupid arguemnt has of course been destroyed by this Rabbi and all the residue of stupidity from this engagement has been liberally smeared on India Willoughby and who is now the trans activist community’s very own ‘Terry Fuckwitt’. Nice one Rabbi.

2 Comments on "Himdia Stillaboy makes an arse of himself by arguing about sex and gender with a Rabbi."

  1. Yes, thanks, I hadn’t heard of Rabbi Zvi Solomons but so much interesting discussion to follow.

    Although It’s none of my business I can’t help but being curious about his sacking from the Reading Hebrew Congregation in 2015/16. Were the RHC really at fault or did they cave in to a settlement to prevent further unpleastness?

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