From Elsewhere: When the top brains are brainless.


Brilliant piece from the July 24th edition of the New York Post by Glen H Reynolds about how those who are supposed to have the biggest brains in our societies have ended up promoting or supporting completely idiotic ideas.

Mr Reynolds said:

Suppose we got it all wrong and the real crazies are the TV people in nice suits and $300 haircuts?”

That’s an observation by Richard Fernandez on Twitter, and he has a good point.

There’s a lot of craziness in the air these days.

But for the most part it seems to be flowing from the top down, not bubbling up from the bottom.

It wasn’t farmers and factory workers who came up with the idiotic COVID responses — nor was it they who originated the more or less criminal idea of conducting “gain of function” research on making dangerous viruses more dangerous.

It wasn’t shopkeepers and bus drivers who thought the way to deal with burgeoning urban crime was to get rid of police and release criminals without bail.

It hasn’t been landscapers and auto mechanics championing the notion that a child in the single-digit age range can make a lifetime choice about his or her genitalia or maintaining that even criticizing that idea is itself a species of “violence.”

Ordinary Americans haven’t been claiming the way to promote free speech is to censor people or the way to end racism is to classify everyone by race and consequently treat them differently.

Mr Reynolds is correct. These mad ideas have not grown organically from the bottom up in our societies but have been imposed on society by those in what is increasingly being referred to as the ‘Overclass’ of technocratic managers. There was not any sort of widespread political demand from the bulk of people for any of the lunatic ideas that Mr Reynolds describes. The generality of the population, at least in the UK, wants effective and fair policing, wants to be able to follow MLK Jr’s precept of judging people by the content of their character and doesn’t believe that three year olds can truly claim that they were ‘born in the wrong body’.

It’s clear to me that in some areas the intellectual classes which makes up the bulk of today’s Overclass are promoting ideas that have no connection to reality and being disconnected from reality is not a good thing for any society or indeed any individual for that matter. Refusal to accept reality means that bad ideas are pushed without challenge and that can do great damage to a society.

There’s always been such people as makes up today’s Overclass but often their disease of bad thinking was confined to small circles of wealthy and socially disconnected liberals and libertines or restricted to within academia. These ideas did not escape into the wider world and do too much damage to society because as Mr Reynold’s says there were social, religious and cultural ‘guiderails’ that prevented this from happening. Now these guardrails are almost gone and the lunatics are running the asylum.

Mr Reynolds has written a brilliant polemic about where we are today and how we got there. In particular I like his analogy about how the monothought culture that has been created in the West by the Overclass is similar to an agricultural monoculture in that bad ideas like crop diseases spread quickly and do great damage.

You can read the entirety of Mr Reynolds excellent piece via the link below:

1 Comment on "From Elsewhere: When the top brains are brainless."

  1. How about these:

    That to promote peace can a nuclear free Iran, the US (Obama & now his sock-puppet ol’ dead-shark-eyes Biden) give the mullahs billions of Dollars, unfreeze their assets and give access to billions in trade credit, for them NOT to build a bomb to wipe out Israel.

    To improve air quality in cities, we slow everything to a crawl which increases emissions creates even more congestion and delays emergency response.

    To save the planet and increase food production, we arbitrarily ban nitrogen fertilizers and then bitch about starvation and good shortages.

    That “heat-pumps” at over 7kw+, using 2kw immersion heaters, 7-10kw electric showers and 7.4kw electric car chargers will “save energy” ( if adopted is per household, assuming these can actually be fitted and are suitable)

    Promoting those total surveillance 15minute cities as being anything other than a panopticon prison.

    That programmable CBDC “money” is safe and secure, when the reality, it is effectively no longer yours as its use can be rationed, restricted and switched off at will.

    The nauseatingly repetitive mantra from the (not very) “intelligentsia” that despite and in the face of every atrocity, demand and act, Islam is most definitely NOT a religion of peace.

    I could go on, but it depresses me either how utterly stupid so many are in supposed “academia”, politics etc. or, they know exactly what they’re doing to turn the West into a giant open prison.

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