He lying. How do I know? Well his lips are moving.

PM Rishi Sunak. Uttering empty and dishonest words about migration control just as the Tories always have.


UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been on public manoeuvres again trying to convince Britons that a Conservative Party that has failed over the course of a decade or more to tackle massive and unsustainable levels of immigration, is a champion of secure borders. Sorry I don’t buy this from Sunak, not one bit.

His government failed to deal with not only the problems of illegal entry by migrants using small boats, stowing away on lorries or ships but also excessive levels of legal immigration. They have had since the 2015 General Election, when the Tories governed alone and not in coalition with the Liberal Democrats, to sort out Britain’s now pressing immigration problems but they did sod all to reduce immigration and often made the situation worse.

The Tories could have used their massive 80 seat majority that the party got under the leadership of Boris Johnson to deal with an immigration problem that the British people have consistently trusted

the Tories to sort out but which they never have. On immigration, Boris Johnson’s government did the same as all Tory governments have done which was to promise better migrant controls but do absolutely nothing to sort out the problem that they were in part elected to solve. Don’t forget that under Boris Johnson we had the disgraceful spectacle during the Covid pandemic of pubs being forcibly closed by government edict, but the gates of the borders being propped wide open and propped open by a Tory government.

Rishi Sunak’s current publicity and propaganda drive to convince voters that the Tories can be trusted to reduce migration into the UK is the usual sound and fury signifying nothing that we’ve come to expect from this party. The government will make a lot of noise about migration in the hope that it wins back the voters that it has lost by its own stupidity, carelessness and thoughtlessness.

I dare say that there will be a few foolish voters out there who might be convinced that this time the Tories will not let us down, but not me. I’ve had enough of being lied to by the Tories on this and many other issues. I’ve got the stage where I’m no longer going to be fooled again by Tory promises on migration just as I’m no longer going to believe anything they say about other matters that are important to me such as freedom of speech and effective economic management. As the old saying goes: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” I’m not going to fall for the same Tory trick as they tried in previous elections which is to promise to control migration but start doing absolutely nothing about it the day following a general election.

I’m not convinced by Rishi Sunak’s latest migration plans. I think they are bullshit and I would not be at all surprised if there were other former Tory voters who are thinking the same.


7 Comments on "He lying. How do I know? Well his lips are moving."

  1. Stonyground | August 8, 2023 at 7:10 pm |

    I consider the whole lot of them to be my enemies. They are deliberately and maliciously doing me harm. If they think that anything that they say will convince me to vote for them they are wrong, just like the way that they are wrong about everything else. I won’t be voting for Labour or the Illiberal Anti-Democrats either obviously.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 9, 2023 at 4:26 pm |

      To be quite frank I’m fed up with being lied to by the Westminster parties, which is why I can’t in all good conscience vote for any of them anymore. Small parties do not always remain small if, as was the case with the early Labour party, they have something worthwhile to sell to the electors and whose politicians are seen to serve the people not anyone or anything else.

  2. These unintelligent, mediocre office-holders will do nothing without the WEF’s permission. That applies to all of them – Lib/Lab/Con, they’ve all been captured (or bought).
    It’s looking like armed insurrection will be the only way to regain control of our country. The English are slow to rise up, but when they do, these traitors had better watch out!

  3. I kind of agree with you, but I don’t think we have adequate projected outcomes yet suggesting how far limiting immigration would actually raise living standards in the UK.

    We can suggest that Conservatives have always had an interest in encouraging and exploiting migrant workers as a cheap source of labour less likely to be Unionised and to accept less favourable employment conditions.

    In terms of issues to shape voting behaviour at the next election, the cost of living crisis seems to be on top, then healthcare, and immigration only a third.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 9, 2023 at 4:18 pm |

      Cheap labour is definitely in the boss class’s interest. The return of some Eastern European LGV drivers has helped raise the wages of British drivers https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58394903 which means we have some evidence that reducing immigration raises standards. Also reducing demand for services and not adding to the demand year on year would also make these services easier to access for Britons.

      The three major concerns you listed represent a perfect and wild political storm.

  4. I’ve lost count of the decades I’ve been saying vote for someone else, anyone excepts green, who isn’t from one of the main three. Every time I’m told ‘I’m sure they have learnt their lesson this time’. And the cycle continues. People are stupid and it will continue until there is no option but violence. Why do you think we have all been disarmed? It’s because they know it too and are intent on continuing until forced to stop.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 9, 2023 at 4:15 pm |

      I think people will continue to vote stupidly or even venally, voting for the biggest freebee, until the system breaks down and people are confronted by what they’ve voted for. It’s like those people who vote Lib Dems into their local council and then whine about stupid and costly Lib Dem policies being imposed on them. Voters need to make the connection between their vote and the arseholes who rule us.

      I’m slightly more optimistic as I believe that when things start to break down then civil disobedience will arrive before anything nastier and that might change things. I certainly expect more people saying ‘fuck you’ to various public sector prodnoses in the medium term future.

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