Quote Of The Day 27th August 2023 – Our poor quality rulers.


Here’s a short but pithy comment from a person named Ken Whistance on the shockingly poor quality of those who purport to lead us in politics, business and public service. It’s not from today but from a couple of days ago but I only saw it last night.

He’s sadly correct here, we do need and deserve far better leaders not just in politics but across society.

10 Comments on "Quote Of The Day 27th August 2023 – Our poor quality rulers."

  1. Poor quality must be the understatement of the year.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 28, 2023 at 5:02 pm |

      To use some motor engineering analogies our current politicians are the cut and shut, bodged insurance write offs of the political world.

  2. Nah. Politicians don’t admit such things. They blame all of it on Climate Change. And the Beeb swallows it (and reports it) every time.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 28, 2023 at 5:01 pm |

      Nice one. You make a good point on politicians blaming external factors for problems that they’ve often had a hand in creating.

  3. Yes, but there are several questions here. Are our leaders really declining in quality or are they just subjected to more MSM and social media scrutiny now than their counterparts in former years?

    Also, universal suffrage is now a reality and a democratic ideal but a lot of people choose not to vote, or vote influenced by populist rhetoric in the media which can cloud more important basic issues.

    In other words, voters are responsible in some way for getting the leaders we deserve.

    • “Are our leaders really declining in quality”. Yes.
      If you’ve ever seen a discussion between the likes of Wilson and Heath or others of that generation you will realise that:
      (a) they are civil to each other (rather than just calling each other names),
      (b) respectful of each other’s opinions and
      (c) actually discuss rather than just going for sound-bites.
      Now I admit that (c) may be partly due to the media, but it is a two way street, if modern politicians discussed more and “sound-bited” less the media would have to listen to discussion not sound-bites.

      “… a lot of people choose not to vote…” Now that is a problem, but when people perceive that there is little no difference between the main parties and are not enamoured by the anti-democratic un-liberal Lib dems or the loopy greens, for whom should they vote? People are tired of having to choose the least worst option or the lesser of two evils.

      “…vote influenced by populist rhetoric in the media…” Hmm. Given that most “populists” are denigrated by the media in various ways I am far from sure that people vote “populist” due to media influence, rather the opposite IMHO; unless you meant that they voted against “populist” candidates.
      BTW, what exactly does “populist” mean in reality? Again, my impression is that “populist” often means popular with the working class or similar. And isn’t democracy about a party that is more popular and therefore has the more populist policies?
      Now one source I looked at states: “A populist leader often taps into the fears and frustrations of a particular group, often the so-called “common people,” and uses rhetoric that is polarizing and divisive, stoking resentment against immigrants, minorities, and other perceived outsiders”.
      Thus the use of the term “populist” might be accurate, but might also be a slur against an opponent.

      However I do agree that the media can cloud issues by its reporting bias, something that seems endemic in the MSM today and further I agree that “… voters are responsible in some way for getting the leaders we deserve.” although I think I would say that “voters are responsible to some degree for getting the leaders we get” – see first points.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 28, 2023 at 5:00 pm |

      Whilst I agree that the MSM is less deferential than it once was it’s obvious by looking back at videos and written reports that politicians have declined in character and ability. Where today can we find the contemporary equivalents of Peter Shore, or Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher or Harold Wilson or Jo Grimond or Hugh Gaitskel? They don’t seem to be around in national politics any more. This is bad as we need quality politicians to get us out of the mess that poor quality governance has brought us to.

  4. Stonyground | August 28, 2023 at 8:00 pm |

    “People are tired of having to choose the least worst option or the lesser of two evils.”

    Absolutely. I no longer vote, I spoil the ballot. I see all the available parties as my enemies, people who deliberately and maliciously do me harm. Why would I vote for them?

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 28, 2023 at 8:17 pm |

      For me there’s always been someone to vote for even as a protest vote. But for the first time at the last locals I was presented with zero choice. I could have voted for a Lib Dem who is a good man from a despicable party, Labour for me an absolute no no, a Tory who had not campaigned and an eco mentalist who was too nutty even for my local Green party. I felt I had no choice but to spoil my ballot for the first time. Hopefully there will be some proper alternative from the Westminster lot at the next GE.

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