The thing that never happens is alleged to have happened again


Whilst I have every sympathy for those in the sub 1% minority of people who suffer from gender identity disorder that does not mean that I have to support the gender identity ideology that has grown out of and parasites off of the distress of those with a recognised, difficult to treat mental illness. Although I do not wish harm on the miniscule number of run of the mill transsexuals that exist in our society, but I hold in contempt the attention seekers, predators and abusers who now make up far too much of the trans rights movement and its supporters.

The trans rights movement has now become so broad and encompasses so many facets, some of them quite nasty, when compared to the initial campaigners for things like gender recognition certificates. We now have trans rights activists campaigning for children to be given the right to be mutilated and sterilised and for safeguarding regulations to be watered down when it comes to the issue of trans. It’s right that we say ‘no’ to such people as what they want to do are things that are utterly and completely horrific.

The trans movement, by its very nature, is not concerned with the rights and responsibilities of the 0.014% of those genuinely afflicted by a gender identity disorder, the movement often ignores the voices of such individuals, but instead in remaking society in its own twisted image. Because of how the trans movement has changed over the years into what it has become today it has become a home for those who hate women, wish to do violence against women and those who wish to breakdown the solid barrier between adults and children with regards to sexual activity.

Too many of the trans advocates we see in the media both legacy and social are bad people who hide behind a ‘be kind’ facade despite being despicable people promoting despicable ideas. The claiming of a ‘be kind’ label and public image has for a long time fooled the normies into thinking that there’s nothing and nobody to worry about in the trans movement, but thankfully is now being challenged by more and more people. Thanks to the work of a great many people, most of them women, the public is starting to understand that too many trans activists are not campaigning merely for the right to pee in women’s toilets but to go after children as well in order to sterilise and mutilate them.

There are multiple cases where those identifying as trans have either been convicted or admitted to or been accused of horrific offences relating to sex and violence. There are also cases where those who advocate for trans rights have also been linked to or accused of some of the most horrific crimes imaginable.

The latest case where a trans rights activist or a supporter of the cult of trans has been accused of terrible crimes comes from a recent story published on the feminist news site Reduxx. Whilst the individual concerned should be considered innocent until proven guilty the story does illustrate just how the trans rights movement, political groups and even public services have been infiltrated by those with ill intent.

Reduxx said:

A social justice activist and primary school teacher has been charged in the horrific rape of a girl under the age of 13. Simon Murch, 54, was an active member of the Socialist Workers Party, and signed an open statement condemning a University Professor who criticized gender ideology.

Staffordshire Police received a report of rape on July 16 and launched an investigation into the attack, arresting Murch shortly after. While the details of the case are limited at this stage, he is due to appear at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court on September 4 for a plea and trial preparation hearing.

According to Murch’s social media, he taught Year 3 primary school students, meaning the children he was frequently in contact with were approximately 7 to 8 years of age. Though it has not yet been confirmed that one of his students was the alleged victim, the school at which Murch taught, Sheffield’s Monteney Primary School, has reportedly been in contact with police.

Because of the UK’s strict Contempt of Court laws it’s highly unlikely that the full details of this case will be able to be reported until its conclusion, whenever that may be. It also appears that the initial magistrates court matters have already been gone through which is why the next appearance is for plea and preparation at the higher Crown Court. As regards the school’s contact with the police it is probably a statutory matter for the school to liaise with the police with regards to the investigation.

What’s interesting to me about this case is that this individual has been deeply involved in trans activism both as a regional national executive officer for the National Education Union (NEU) and a senior member of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Both these organisations are riddled with trans activism and therefore provide the perfect cover for individuals who might be more than a little bad.

It’s a well known fact that those who are intent on abusing children will seek out organisations and entities that will allow them access to children and this is something that we’ve seen in child abuse scandals relating to the Roman Catholic Church and to schools and youth organisations. It is also likely that nonces will also seek out those political and cultural currents that blur the line between children and adults and attack adult responsibility to keep children safe from harm.

The trans movement is clearly a movement that targets children and young people and one that is at the very least indifferent to keeping a strong separation between what is for children and what is for adults. It’s highly likely that nonces are operating within the trans movement because it’s in the trans movement where nonces can find vulnerable children and young people along with those who wish to water down safeguarding commitments. These groups that have embraced without much question the gender identity movement need to realise that they are currently being or might likely to be used as vehicles for societies wrong’uns to find easy access to victims and do something about it.


4 Comments on "The thing that never happens is alleged to have happened again"

  1. Isn’t it amazing how the mentally ill, the stupid, perverts, freaks, kiddie fiddler’s, fascists and the genuinely nasty are most likely to join hard left scum such as the Socialist Wankers Party, Cock-suckers-for-palestine and others. This shite-hound is a classic case. Sadly our schools, teacher’s training colleges and Univershitty Halls of Knackerdemia are jam packed with these dingleberries on the arse of society.

  2. On the contrary, if we all have a common aim to mimimalise the risk of sexual abuse of children we need to look at it in a clear headed way beyond party politics. Most children are most at risk within their own homes with parents apolitical or voting on any spectrum. It may be convenient for the righters on the divide to highlight a case where a ‘leftie’ has been an abuser and to assume ‘they are all like that’. There is no rational reason to do that without considering the evidence in all the cases.

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 3, 2023 at 5:31 pm |

      I agree that protecting children from abuse shouldn’t bee a party political matter. I also agree tht there have been rightists who have been abusers and that the vast majority of abuse happens in the home. I would also concur that there have been rightist hypocrites who have preached conservative sexual values whilst behaving in their private lives like libertines. However it’s difficult to dismiss the fact that it is not conservatives who originally pushed gender ideology but the political Left nor that some of these leftists might have had ulterior motives for doing so. The Peter Wilby case is food for thought as here we have a journalistic nonce who sidelined stories about child abuse and it raised questions as to whether or not he was spiking nonce stories because he was a nonce himself?

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