Thinking of voting for the Labour Party? Think very hard before you do so.


There’s an extremely disturbing video over on the New Culture Forum channel about Labour’s plans to make it illegal to criticise the ideology of Islam. Senior Labour figures have been in contact with Labour local government leaders to urge them to accept the All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia’s definition of Islamophobia. This definition goes way way beyond merely protecting individual Muslims from criticism but even forbids even the mildest of criticism of the ideology of Islam itself.

This is extremely worrying as it is a blasphemy law by the back door and one that only protects Islam from criticism. Ideologies whether they be secular or religious should not be insulated from criticism.

Like many I want to see the Tories punished for their mishandling of stuff like Covid, the economy, energy policy, cultural issues, Brexit and the need to keep the Civil Service impartial and honest. However it appears that no matter how bad the Tories are, when it comes to speech rights it’s clear that the Labour Party is going to be truly awful.

4 Comments on "Thinking of voting for the Labour Party? Think very hard before you do so."

  1. Frankly, there is no doubt in my mind that the current labour party (OK then, any labour government) would be a complete horror show in power and their responses to recent tory proposals underlines how poor they are. If only there was a party that l could believe in, sadly the tories have taken the country for fools too often for me to have any confidence in them.
    Congrats on your ‘post of the month award’ over on ambush predator

  2. I knew all about this 5 years ago.
    the term “Islamophobia” has never been defined. Consequently it was conflated – usually deliberately – with “anti-Muslim bigotry” (which is reprehensible) in order to make criticism of Islam the religion / ideology difficult.
    Every time “Islamophobia” was revisited by this or that group the definition widened to encompass more criticism of Islam.
    This latest evolution introduced (as is said in the video) another undefined word “Muslimness” and worse made the definition of this “New! Improved!” version related to “perception”.
    Thus literally anything said to a Muslim or about Islam, including “Good Morning” could be perceived as Islamophobic.
    The best analysis of that APPG report I have seen is here:
    My only point of disagreement is that the author says the parliamentarians were “duped”, I doubt that unless by the term “wilful blindness and ignorance” is meant.

    That the Labour party, as the letter from Dodds shows, promotes this Blasphemy law by the back-door simply shows how in-hock to Muslims Labour must be.
    IMO it is no longer the Labour Party it is the Islamic Party. It will not get my vote. I suspect I will be spoiling my paper (again) with NONE OF THESE.

    • Siddi Nasrani | October 2, 2023 at 7:47 pm |

      There is a book called “United in Hate” by Jamie Glazov.
      Here he is talking about the love affair between the Left & Islam.

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