The truth about the political Left and the Orlando massacre.

People fleeing the latest Islamic savage attack on a gay club in Orlando Florida



If you read but one article out of the many that will come out following the latest terrible Islamic murders in Orlando, Florida, then read this one by Milo Yiannopolous. In it, he excoriates the foolish Left wing LGB and T organisations who too often stand up for the very same Muslims who want them dead.

Milo Yiannopolous, may not be everyone’s cup of tea as a writer or as a polemicist, I find I don’t agree with everything he says, but he has really hit the nail on the head here. He said that this was not an attack by an Islamic extremist this was an attack by Islam. He appealed for reality to prevail and stated that it Islam is the problem. I’ll give a few selections from Milo’s piece, along with my comments, but to appreciate the full angry, accurate majesty of Milo’s piece it really needs to be read in full via the link below.

Milo said:

Over 100 people have been killed or maimed at a gay dance club in Orlando by Omar Mateen, a Muslim terrorist. How many more innocent gays need to die before we admit that America, and the world, has an Islam problem?

I don’t mean a “radical Islam” problem or an “extremist Islam problem.” Violence is not the extreme in Islam any more: it’s the norm

He’s right. This isn’t a problem with a few extremists or radicals, but a problem with Islam itself. Islam’s normative position is violence, hatred, conquest and oppression. It’s not that Islam is a peaceful faith marred by a few nutcases, it’s a case where Islam itself is the nutcase. The violence, hatred, misogyny, gay-hatred etc is so hard-wired into Islam that it is almost impossible to eradicate.

Milo added:

There’s no more room for equivocating. The Orlando shooting isn’t just the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. shores since 9/11. It is also, by far, the worst act of violent homophobia in the nation’s history and the deadliest mass shooting in America ever.

According to the murderer’s father, his son became angry after he saw two men kissing in the street. “This had nothing to do with religion,” said the father, Seddique Mateen. “He saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry” — as if that was some kind of excuse.

That same father is on record defending the Taliban.

What sort of a man gets so angry by displays of affection, joy, and love that he chooses to gun down innocent people in a nightclub? A Muslim man. And if this one isn’t particularly religious, imagine how much worse the faithful must be.”

Milo is absolutely correct, there’s no more room for equivocating or trying to find a ‘balance’ or telling ourselves that ‘it’s only a tiny minority of extremists’. We have to bite the bullet and do what President Obama has consistently failed to do and name the enemy and that enemy is Islam. This horrific murder is a case of sudden Jihad Syndrome writ large. With Sudden Jihad Syndrome you get a seemingly normal, integrated Muslim who quickly ‘gets’ that Islam is not about peace but about killing infidels. The sufferer from Sudden Jihad Syndrome then does as his ‘holy’ book tells him and kills some infidels, that ‘s us by the way, just in case you thought it might be someone else getting the Islamic head chopping treatment. How many other ‘Omar Mateen’s’ are there out there in our towns and cities at the moment. How many other seemingly ordinary Muslims are just waiting their chance to be ‘offended’ by something in order to give them the excuse to kill us? How can we trust a community that consistently produces people who suddenly get murderously offended like this and kill scores of people because of it? The answer is we can’t. We can’t trust any believing Muslim and we can’t trust Islam.

Milo continued with an appeal for LGB and T people to stand up to the Left who are appeasing Islam and to speak up. He also deplored the Left’s culture of a heirarchy of victimhood that is feeding and supporting the very same Muslims who want to murder LGB and T people along with Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs etc etc.

It’s not just gay people under threat. Atheist satirists in the west now live in fear of being executed because they drew the wrong cartoon. Women face the terrifying prospect of being attacked at night for wearing a short skirt.

The barbaric cultures of Raqqa, Riyadh, and Kabul now prowl the streets of Cologne, Paris, and Orlando, Florida.

Atheists, previously wedded to the political left, have started to grow sick of the constant Islam apologia. Left-leaning atheists like talk show host Dave Rubin and cult YouTuber Carl Benjamin have realised that the right is a greater ally against this barbaric, dark-age ideology than the left ever will be.

The LGBT “community” needs to confront the same problem and make its choice. If it continues to be a part of the left’s Neville Chaimberlain-esque attitude towards Islam, it will effectively be committing suicide.

The Christian Right may not be totally down with homos, and Trump may say things that hurt our delicate feelings, but they aren’t going to kill us or put us in camps. Only Islam would do that — the same Islam that, bizarrely, now stands at the top of the left’s hierarchy of victimhood.

He’s correct. It’s not just gay people under threat from Islam. It’s just about anybody who isn’t the ‘right’ sort of Muslim. We’ve now reached the stage where the Left have chosen to back Islam for their own reasons, some of it to do with using Muslims and Islam to smash the capitalist system and bring about the ‘glorious’ socialist revolution. Leftist groups, including LGB and T Leftist groups, have chosen to throw their own people under the bus because they have the warped belief that the oppressors of Islam are in reality the oppressed.

We all need to wake up to the fact that it’s not jihadists or Islamists or ‘radicals’ or ‘terrorists’ who want us dead, it is Islam itself and Islam has a large number of followers who show that they are quite willing to do just that.#


I hope Milo doesn’t mind me quoting so extensively from his piece, but it is a stunningly accurate piece of writing. I would strongly urge anybody who reads this blog to read Milo’s full piece on the Orlando massacre. I can only hope that it inspires members of the LGB and T communities to stand up to the ideology of Islam, even if it makes you uncomfortable, and to cease to believe the comforting lies that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’.


Link to Milo’s full article on Orlando