‘Diversity barriers’ come to British cities

The 'Diversity Barriers' of Hull. Concrete blocks disguised as Christmas decorations in order to protect shoppers from violent Muslim terrorists. (picture from Hull Daily Mail via Breitbart)


Whoever coined the term ‘diversity barriers’ to describe the concrete and steel blocks that are having to be placed in public places to protect us from Islamic terror attacks, is a genius. It’s the perfect description to give to barriers that were not required in the UK before the politicians caught the ‘diversity’ bug and decided that Britain was too civilised and required an immediate massive injection of seventh century Islamic savagery.

We didn’t need these ‘diversity barriers’ to protect our markets and public spaces from the integrated Sikhs or Hindus or Jews that live in Britain. There was no need for concrete blocks, even ones disguised as Christmas Trees, at least on the Mainland, at the height of the Irish Troubles. The truth is that there has only been the need for these ‘diversity barriers’ since both the number of the followers of Islam and the terrorism that their theology inspires them to commit, has increased.

These barriers that have become depressingly familiar to the citizens of Germany and France following Islamic ‘truck of peace’ attacks, have now according to press reports come to the United Kingdom. Breitbart is stating that a large number of the ‘diversity barriers’ disguised as Christmas Trees and other festive items, have been put up in the city of Hull in England’s North East. This is an illustration of Islam’s gift to the West, concrete blocks having to be put up to protect Britons from Muslims who want to kill us. After this can we ever again believe the lie that ‘Islam is a religion of peace?’ Let us hope not.

Breitbart said:

British city Hull has followed the growing European trend of dressing up anti-terror barriers as fun Christmas decorations in an effort to hide the “ugly barriers”, as the continent entrenches itself against a spate of radical Islamist terror attacks.

Because cast reinforced concrete has not traditionally been a recognised part of the Western Christmas aesthetic, many local authorities across Europe have taken steps to soften the visual impact of the anti-vehicle barriers, now made necessary to protect large gatherings of people from terror attacks.

No matter how much the local authority or the government prettify these barriers, there is one thing that this decoration cannot hide or distract from and that is the reason why these barriers are there in the first place. That reason is Islam. If it was not for the followers of an ideology that is hateful to its very core killing random innocent civilians, then not only would there be no need to tart up these barriers but there would be no need for the barriers at all.

These are indeed ‘diversity barriers’ as they are here because the politicians and others obsessed by ‘cultural diversity’, imported into the UK those who adhere to the same cultures that these barriers are designed to protect us from. But, whatever you call these barriers and no matter how well they are camoflaged you can’t escape the fact that they are a symbol, a symbol of the utter and complete failure of the ideology of Multiculturalism. All cultures are not equal, some cultures go and shop peacefully at a market and some cultures murder those same shoppers.

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