So what will happen today?

One of the Punish a Muslim Day letters that David Parnham of Lincoln has pleaded guilty to sending


Today is the third of April 2018 and it is today that the so-called ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ is supposed to happen, or rather that is what is alleged to be the case, according to various questionable Islamic grievance mongers and the virtue-signalling Lefties in Parliament and elsewhere. For those who haven’t come across this story before, the background to it is this: A few weeks ago, just before the news broke in the UK media of the Telford Islamic Rape Gang scandal, a scandal that could dwarf in both scale and number of victims the many other Islamic Rape Gang cases, there were a small number of poison pen letters allegedly sent out to various Muslims. These letters, which were remarkably conveniently timed to take the Establishment and the media’s attention away from the Telford situation, contained a whole list of exhortations to do violence to Muslims ranging from insulting them to ‘nuking Mecca’.

Because of the timing of the letters, and the involvement of the less than 100% honest Tell Mama ‘Islamophobia’ monitors in the promotion of awareness of these letters, along with such things as the style of the documents sent out, these factors all point to the strong possibility that this ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ furore may be less than it seems. In two longer articles on this subject that can be found here and here, I pose three possible explanations for these poison pen letters: a) that they are the work of a lone nutter, b) they are acts of Taqiyya or lying for Islam and c) a prank of some sort.

A number of people outside of the Islam-fellating Left, including myself, have for reasons given elsewhere and in the previous articles, a good few reasons to assume that these letters are a hoax and that little out of the ordinary will happen to Muslims today. Respectable counterjihad sites such as Religion of Peace are also describing these letters as a ‘hoax’ when linking to a story about Muslims whining about how ‘oppressed’ they feel because of them. Also the general attitude of those on my Gab social media timeline to these letters is similar and those people are describing them as Taqiyya.

At this point I have to say that there is a growing amount of anti-Islam feeling in the UK. It has been engendered by the often piss poor behaviour of Muslims and the ongoing terror and danger of rape that the followers of Islam have brought to ordinary Britons and particularly to British families. Britons, whatever their race or peaceful religious path, are justifiably sick of Islam and the damage it is doing to our society, but I seriously doubt whether the ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letters are a credible prelude to vigilante action against Islam and its followers.

I suppose we shall see what we will see as the day progresses and whether the public anger about Islam breaks out into a greater than usual level of violence against Muslims, violence that is in reality very low when compared to the violence meted out to Britons by Muslims. I doubt that we will see gangs of Cockneys or Geordies or Cornishmen attacking places of worship or exploding themselves at public entertainment events, or beating up people in the street or any one of a number of the sort of depredations that Islam has brought to the United Kingdom. As much as I may wish for dangerous Islamic excrescences such as the Finsbury Park and East London Mosques, to suddenly disappear in a puff of supernatural pink perfumed smoke, I can’t see such things happening today.

I predict that what is likely to occur today is that the usual low level acts that foolish people do because they are pissed off with Islam, such as ‘hijab pulling’ or shouting ‘terrorist’ at members of a religion that certainly produces a lot of terrorists, will continue to go on at their relatively and remarkably low level. However these incidents will be lumped in with ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ and be hyped up to a ludicrous degree by mendacious grievance mongering Islamic taqiyya artists such as the lavishly publicly funded Tell Mama organisation.

I will of course be monitoring the situation to see if I and others are correct and that this is either a prank, a hoax or the work of a lone nutter. To that end I shall be running a light-hearted form of ‘Punish a Muslim Day deathwatch’ on my channel which can be found at under the handle @Fahrenheit211 Through the day I shall try to repost both as many news accounts of anything connected with this day and also any examples of Muslims turbocharging their fake victimhood narrative.

If this series of ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ poison pen letters does turn out to be lacking in any real credibility, which is something that could be the case, then there are a lot of mainstream politicians who climbed aboard the outrage bus over this issue, who should feel very ashamed of themselves for falling for this bullshit. As I’ve said in previous articles, because of the nature of these letters, their timing and the early involvement of some iffy Islamic groups in promoting this scare, I would be extremely surprised to find out that these letters represent a credible attempt by an anti-Islam group or groups to organise violence against Muslims. There is of course the possibility that lone nutters will be encouraged by all the publicity to act against Muslims today, believing themselves to be part of a wider movement, in which case Tell Mama will have brought about what they claim to oppose,which would be a classic example of ‘the Streisand Effect‘ in action.

1 Comment on "So what will happen today?"

  1. Jabeen Uddin | April 3, 2018 at 2:28 pm |

    Well the shouldn’t be doing this kind of stuff. Many Muslims get hurt by this. Other religions kill so many innocent Muslim people

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