Oh what a surprise – or rather not. Berlin ‘kippah’ attacker is a Syrian ‘refugee’

The Syrian who attacked a man he presumed to be Jewish in Berlin


I must admit I was completely unsurprised to find out that the Arab man who attacked another man who was wearing a Jewish Kippah, is one of the Syrian refugees that the Left and idiot politicians have told us to welcome. I seem to recall that a lot of us said that inviting in these Syrians would not end well and by and large those of us who opposed the entry of these ‘refugees’ are starting to be proven to be correct.

According to a report on the US conservative website Frontpage magazine, a Syrian handed himself into police after the video of a man wearing a kippah went viral.

Frontpage mag said:

A 19-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker turned himself in to police Thursday after his violent attack on a man wearing a Jewish skullcap in Berlin caused outrage across Germany.

The young Syrian showed up with his lawyer at a police precinct, police spokesman Winfrid Wenzel said.

The 21-year-old victim, an Arab Israeli, caught Tuesday’s assault on video. It quickly went viral and reopened a debate about anti-Semitism in the country. Even Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the assault sharply.

The video shows the attacker whipping the Israeli with a belt while shouting “Yehudi!” or Jew, in Arabic.

The victim, Adam Armoush, said he’s not Jewish but wore the skullcap as an experiment because he didn’t believe a friend who told him it’s too dangerous to wear one in public in Germany.

This sort of behaviour is exactly what we who were opposed to the entry of these ‘refugees’ said would happen. We said that those from backward cultures, steeped in Islam and in all the long and nasty hatreds that this religion is famous for, would bring trouble.

Now that we know that the attacker of Mr Armoush is one of Merkel’s Muslims and one of the Syrians we were ordered and emotionally blackmailed to welcome, does anyone think that we will get any sort of apology or admission of mistake from those who cheered so loudly and passionately to ‘let them in’? Sadly I don’t think we will. The ‘refugees welcome’ types didn’t listen to the cautious voices yesterday and I doubt that they will listen to us now.