I told you this would happen (German revolt edition)

A stereotypical angry mob from one of the Frankenstein movies

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has achieved something that I never thought possible, she’s made me feel sorry for the Germans. Once the arrogant and sometimes murderous behemoth that bestrode Europe and later a peaceful, economic and technological powerhouse that many Britons envied, Germany is now sadly a mess.

Chancellor Merkel’s policy of inviting in hundreds of thousands of people from cultures that hold views that are very much at odds with normal German culture or indeed the culture of any civilised nation, has wrought complete havoc on German towns, cities and citizens. Chancellor Merkel told the Germans that the ‘Syrians’ she was opening Germany’s borders to would be tomorrows surgeons and engineers and similar high fliers. Unfortunately, Frau Merkel has lied about the nature of her pet migrants, they were not the best of the best of the countries that they hailed from, they were in fact the scum of the earth.

I like many others sadly predicted what would happen if Germany imported so many from the morally warped ideology of Islam, pandered to them and punished Germans for quite reasonably pointing out that Merkel’s pets were metaphorically defecating all over Germany’s culture, economy and people. I predicted that sooner or later, especially if the German government kept pandering to Merkel’s pets, that the German people would spill onto the streets having had enough of Merkel’s Mobile Muslim Mayhem and commit acts of violence. I have also predicted that when the police of any state or nation choose not to defend the citizen and not deal effectively with certain violent groups, then it raises the spectre of vigilantism. Now many regular readers of this blog will know my views on vigilantism, I see it as a sign of civilisational failure and breakdown and not something that should be wished for or celebrated. Vigilantism is physical proof that the police in a nation cannot cope or are not trusted by the people and so they start to take the law into their own hands. The problem with this sort of vigilante justice is that it is less than discriminating when it comes to deciding between guilt or innocence and vigilante gangs may end up sweeping along the innocent as well as the guilty.

And so it has come to pass that my dire predictions of problems in Germany seem to be coming true. In the city of Chemnitz, a large group of Germans have finally snapped over the issue of migrant, often Islamic, violence. According to Brietbart London, things in the city kicked off following the stabbing on Sunday of a German citizen who was attending a street festival.

Brietbart is reporting that approximately 1000 residents of Chemnitz have been protesting on the streets of the city and engaging in acts of violence. The gathering which Brietbart said was ‘spontaneous’ appeared to be organised by a bunch of local football hooligans and has been described by German mainstream media as a ‘far right’ gathering. However, from the little video I’ve seen of the event, the participants in this demonstration look more like ordinary but pissed off German citizens rather than organised far rightists.

The protest has also been egged on to a certain extent by some in the Alternative for Deutschland Party the AFD, which is opposed to Merkel’s migrant madness. One MP for AFD Markus Frohnmaier spoke about the stabbing on Twitter writing: “If the state can no longer protect the citizens, people go to the streets and protect themselves.” To me this looks like an admission from the AFD that law and good order in German cities are breaking down, and that it is somewhat natural for people to start to defend themselves. Personally I see it as an indication that Germany is in big trouble. I must admit that we don’t see vigilantism and the sort of protests we are seeing in Chemnitz, in sane and well run societies, we see this sort of thing in countries and regions where law and order has irretreivably broken down.

I’m afraid that reading this story and watching the video I find myself fearing for the future of Germany. Merkel’s migration policy has imported into Germany the seeds of some serious future conflict which I believe cannot be avoided unless the German government do a complete about face with regards their nation’s migration and border policies and start coming down hard on Merkel’s Muslims. Unfortunately I believe that the German government will not try to clear up the mess Chancellor Merkel has made but will try to merely paper over the cracks that the Chancellor’s policies have caused and will just postpone trouble. I fear that Germany is about to have a great big political and social sneeze and it is all too likely that the result of this is that the rest of Europe will catch a particularly nasty cold.