The anti Trump protest in London today.

President Trump. He's not Hitler and it is ludictous to protest as if he is.


Although I did not personally document today’s anti Trump protest in London, I could get a flavour of it from reading commenataries and news reports of the event. It was from what I could gather, exactly what\I expected. There seemed to be tens of thousands, not 250,000 as the London Evening Standard claimed, of virtue-signalling, middle class lefties, brainwashed sociology and women’s studies students and similar, who have turned out to protest a man who is really not as bad as the protestors make out.
It is notable, as Paul Joseph Watson yesterday pointed out, that these virtue signalling lefties did not bother to turn out to protest the state visits of the leaders of China, Turkey or Saudi Arabia. These are nations that have a considerably worse record for freedom and human rights than the United States America.
Instead of protesting against real human rights horrors or any other cause that might be called worthwhile, these thousands of bussed in brainwashed left wingers chose to protest a man who is really only doing what any national leader should be doing, and that is protecting his own citizens. The protestors today were not in a way protestting against Mr Trump per se, but about Americans choosing to elect a leader who did not parrot the permitted talking points of the Left. He didn’t emote or opine on the issue of ‘welcoming refugees’ or waffle on about ‘equality and diversity’ and he certainly did not campaign with the dishonest slogan ‘Islam is a religion of peace’.
The Americans voted for someone who would get America out of a percieved malaise and who would put the people behind the borders before the people outside of them. This is no different from what any decent national leader should do, and what our own so called ‘Conservative’ government in Britain has failed to do. I fear that the Left who demonstrated today are more concerned about an attack on their political mindset and narrative than about anything that Mr Trump may or may not have done.
This political narrative, the narrative of the middle class left, is in Britain, the Establishment narrative. This was something that was also pointed out recently by the abovementioned Mr Watson. These demonstrators were not ordinary people, they were predominantly I would guess, not people who work in the private sector and avowably middle class They were also as Mr Watson said, well connected and from wealhy or at least comfortable backgrounds.
After seeing the coverage of this anti Trump demo today I find myself disgusted at what the Left has become. There used to be some connection with the, labouring classes and the left but not anymore. This demo showed that today’s left is as far as could be from the concerns of the ordinary people in this country who struggle and graft. This is the unrepresentative hateful authoritarian and childish Left on display here and it is laughable to behold. It is as deflated and devoid of substance and concern for the regular Briton as their equally laughable Trump blimp.


PJ Watson video

1 Comment on "The anti Trump protest in London today."

  1. K. aka Kel | July 13, 2018 at 8:41 pm |

    Why are brown people weighing in on ENGLISH indigenous issues? MAGA!!!!!

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