Islamic terror – An ongoing affliction for Britain

The Koran, the Islamic 'Big Book of Death' .


Many countries that have had large immigration waves have had temporary periods where criminals from the migrants home countries have brought problems to the new nation. Sometimes these problems were relatively short-lived and in at least some cases these criminals were dealt with, sometimes quite harshly, by the migrant communities themselves. This action by the migrant community to deal with criminals and troublemakers was due in part to the fear that the criminals were by causing problems, queering the pitch for decent migrants.

We no longer have issues in London for example with insurance fraud arson among Jewish migrants and neither to we have problems with Italian cafes falling victim to Italian protection rackets or worry about Maltese control of prostitution. These problems have been more or less solved. People who have migrated, normally over the course of a generation or two, integrate, do better and become less criminal. Also as migrants mix in with the general population, personal contact with decent migrants by the majority reduces distrust and dislike felt by them and reduces the external pressures of hatred by the majority on the migrant community thereby making it much less insular or even prone to extremism.

However, there is one really big elephantine exception to this story and this path that has been walked by the Jews, Maltese, Italians, Germans, West Indians and others who have made Britain their home and that is Islam. Unlike almost any other group that has migrated to Britain and contributed much to our national life, Islam stands as an exception. It is more criminal, more prone to separatism, more prone to violence, more burdensome to the taxpayer and much much more of a security threat than any other minority group. Many of the other groups that have come to Britain in the past have over a generation or so become British and are now causing little or no problems to the nation. That is not the case with Islam. We’ve had Islam in the UK in one form or another for well over a century with the first purpose built mosque being constructed in 1889 but unlike other faiths and other cultures, Islam in Britain has over time become more extreme, more separatist and as we know to our cost much more violent.

We can get an idea of how much a threat of violence Islam poses from a story in the Sun newspaper recently. This article quoted a senior police officer with responsibilities for countering terrorism that there are 700 ongoing terror probes with the vast majority, 80% being linked to Islam. The other 20% are said by Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu to be of a ‘far right’ nature. This works out at 140 ‘far right’ terror probes against 560 ones where Islam is the guiding ideology for the terrorists. Bearing in mind that Islam is a minority faith and a minority community we can see that Islam is producing a disproportionate number of individuals who are willing to engage in violence in order to promote Islam. On the other hand 140 violent ‘far right’ nutters represents an almost infinitesimally small proportion of the UK’s 66 million population. Although I decry and condemn all forms of political and religious terrorism it is very obvious that 140 jackboot licking violent fraggles is a considerably smaller problem than the 560 Muslims who are and have shown that they are more than ready and willing to kill Britons for Allah.

It is not the ‘far right’ that has bombed pop concerts or knifed to death innocent drinkers or killed people with vehicles near Parliament. It is not the ‘far right’ that has become a major player in the Heroin trade and it is definitely not the far right that racially targets children and young women for rape and sex slavery. It is Islam that is doing all this. In terms of bodycounts Islam leads. It is impossible to honestly say that the one provable terror attack on Muslims that caused a death, the Finsbury Park vehicle one, counterbalances the massive levels of death, mayhem and destruction that has come from Islam and its followers.

As I intimated earlier the figure of 140 ‘far right’ terror investigations is a drop in the ocean when compared to the number of investigations that are looking into Islamic terror. I would also hazard a guess that the potential for lethality among the Muslim terror plots is probably far greater than that from plots that are emanating from the ‘far right’. Muslim terrorists are notably blasé about murdering non-Muslims or engaging in indiscriminate killing when compared to other violent groups that have afflicted Britain such as the various Irish Republican groups and these terrorists on the ‘far right’. This is not to excuse the ‘far right’ or downplay their crimes or potential crimes, those who commit or plan acts of violent terror should face justice no matter what their motivation, but let’s not kid ourselves here about where the real and most potent threats come from, they come from Islam.

Islam is different, it is more violent, more intolerant, more hate-filled and more criminal than almost any other cultural group that has come to the United Kingdom. What is alarming is that unlike other groups, some of whom may have had their own past issues with crime or disorder or anti social activities, these problems have not abated over time and with integration of Muslims, but have got considerably worse. Islam remains a threat and I fear that the problems with Islamic violence will get worse not better. Islam and the violence it brings will be an ongoing affliction for the United Kingdom until governments start to see Islam as it really is and not as the politicians may wish Islam to be. Islam is not a religion of peace, 80% of ongoing terror plots proves that statement to be an appalling lie.