Boxer Amir Khan is correct, the ISIS bride should live with the consequences of her decision.

Boxer Amir Khan who has quite rightly said that Jihadi Bride Shamima Begum should live with the mess that she has made and not return to the UK


I will almost always try to give credit to those who do or say the correct things. I don’t care what race or religion or nation or political current a person comes from, doing or saying what is right and correct needs to be applauded when it occurs. For example: I’m neither a boxing fan nor a fan of the ideology of Islam but I feel that I have to stand up and congratulate the welterweight boxer Amir Khan for his comments on the ‘Jihadi bride’ case.

Mr Khan is 100% correct when he says that Shamima Begum should suffer the consequences of her decision to run off and join the Islamic terror group ISIS. According to a report in the UK Daily Mail, Mr Khan called Begum ‘arrogant’ and he added that ‘she made her decision so she should live with it’. It’s difficult to disagree with Mr Khan on this one. Shamima Begum, and of course the other people who decided to throw in their lot with ISIS, should have to answer for their crimes and for their truly appalling decision.

I also find myself in agreement with Mr Khan when he states that the actions of those who have gone from Britain to join ISIS are going to have negative effects on Muslims in Britain. I agree with this statement by Mr Khan. I agree with it because although I despise the ideology of Islam, I am aware enough to know that there are Muslims in Britain, some from genuinely peaceful branches of the ideology such as the Ahmediyya and the Ismailis, who want nothing to do with jihad, violent or otherwise. There are also many Muslims who merely wear their faith lightly, and are the equivalent of the twice a year Christian or twice a year Jew and it is they who are going to be tarred with the Jihadi brush because of the decision of some Muslims to ally themselves with ISIS.

I’m really pleased to see Mr Amir Khan, a man who not only has an apparently impressive boxing record, who is also involved in a number of useful looking charities, telling it like it is and saying that this jihadi bride has made her bed and should therefore lie in it. Bringing Shamima Begum or any of the other deluded and violent jihadis back to the United Kingdom will benefit nobody apart from those in the Muslim community and on the political far Left who wish to destroy this nation.