Local elections 2019 – Initial thoughts


At the time of writing (08:45), some but not of the results of the 2019 local elections are in and what they seem to show so far is that there have been low turnouts (something I noticed at my local polling station in the Midlands) and gains for the Liberal Democrats. Both Labour and the Tories lost council seats but so far the Tories have not lost anything like the number of seats (1000+) that various commentators and observers had thought they might lose. Labour have lost 87 seats so far and it has not been the most spectacular result for UKIP who lost 54 seats.

The turnout in some cases has been allegedly quite poor and I’ve been told that one result was got on a mere 33% turnout. If this information is correct and is to be found in many areas then it looks as if the apathy party may have done well which has benefited the more motivated Lib Dem voters.

Whilst local elections are mostly fought on local issues, the disastrous handling of Brexit by the Tories has had a distinct effect. Tory voters may have stayed away from the polling stations making it much easier for the Lib Dems to win seats.

Independent candidates are also doing said to be doing well and a few councils have gone to No Overall Control as opposed to being under party political control. I suspect that there were many people who plumped for the Lib Dems because they are unhappy at the behaviour of both the Tories and Labour.

Various news outlets are stating that the full results should be in after midday when I shall be doing a much more fuller analysis of the results to represent the final score in this election.

2 Comments on "Local elections 2019 – Initial thoughts"

  1. Well, We also have to consider that in my area I had a choice between Blue Socialist, Red Socialist and Lib Dims. So one of them is going to win., In the next seat along it was between Blue and Red socialists no other choices. I think we should have as policy that every seat also has its local drunk as a candidate so that at least we have someone with a bit of decency to vote for every time.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 3, 2019 at 2:03 pm |

      Nice one. There are indeed piss heads who would do a better job as councillors than some of those from the major parties. I had both a county and a town council paper yesterday and although I had a good choice on the county one, including UKIP, the town election was one independent and two Labour tossers. I couldn’t bring myself to vote Labour for obvious reasons (their leader loves people who want me and my family dead) so I plumped for the indy candidate although I suspect that she is a bit wishy washy.

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