Belgium – Allah hu Akbar knifeman stopped before he could kill

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When was the last time you heard a Christian person shouting from the Lord’s Prayer or a Jew shouting lines from the Shema whilst waving a knife around in the street? No matter how much you may search your memories of recent and not so recent news, such an incident is so rare as to be almost non-existent.

What we do hear, and hear a lot of, are Muslims screaming out the Islamic war cry of ‘Allah hu Akbar’ whilst either behaving in a threatening manner or carrying out an act of violent terrorism. The cry of ‘Allah hu Akbar’ is now indelibly linked with violence, hatred and religious supremacy.

There’s been another incident of an Islamic savage screaming ‘Allah hu Akbar’ in a threatening manner from the increasingly Islamised and frankly buggered up nation of Belgium. According to a report in a Flemish language news site Tagtik, a knife wielding Muslim man was stopped by police after reports came in that this savage was waving a knife around, shouting ‘Allah hu akbar’ and threatening people.

The report, (h/t ROP) that I have run through Google translate, makes for frightening reading and shows just how bad things have got for the Belgians with regards to their Islamic guests. It must have been truly terrifying for the ordinary Belgian citizens who had to face this savage who was threatening passers by with being stabbed.

The translated report from Tagtik said:

Wednesday morning the police from the Brussels-West zone received a call about a man threatening passers-by with a knife in Koekelberg. The police immediately went to the location, where the man called “Allah Akbar” and waved a knife. However, the man immediately ran away when he saw the police, but after a chase, officers were able to stop him. He could eventually be arrested in Jean Dubrucqstraat in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, although the police had to ask him to drop his knife several times. The man was made available to the public prosecutor’s office and will be brought before the investigating judge on suspicion of attempted manslaughter and carrying a weapon.

Imagine if you will that you are on your way to work or shopping or taking your child to school and you were faced with a screaming bearded savage like this one. Wouldn’t you be frightened of what your own government had imported and how people like this have turned a once safe Western country into a place where people have to fear being stabbed by Islamic savages like this? I know I would.

This savage could quite easily have murdered innocent people in the name of Islam and it is only by luck and police intervention that nobody was killed. Next time the Belgians may not be so lucky and a mass murder will occur.

The Belgian government, like all Western governments, need to get to grips with the nasty reality of Islam. This is that although there are many Muslim individuals who are peaceful, this violent ideology called Islam does have a tendency to produce a great deal of individuals such as this stabby savage. The importation of violent savages like this is not what I’d call ‘enrichment’, in fact I’d call it a complete and utter social disaster.

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