An unhappy Christmas for Christians in Africa

Location in Africa of Nigeria, one of the latest places where Islamic violence has claimed the lives of Christians.


Whilst many in Britain were tucking into Turkey, pulling Chirstmas crackers and watching the Queen’s Speech, others were having an extremely unhappy Christmas. As I’ve said before on here, the jihad in Africa is what I like to call ‘the forgotten jihad’, the jihad that we are told all too little about by our mainstream media.

What is happening to Christians in Africa is truly appalling and sickmaking and involves the sort of violence that often beggars belief. Christians just going about their lawful daily business are attacked and killed seemingly on an almost daily basis by Muslim groups determined to either kill the Christians, enslave them or convert them to Islam. The sort of ‘Conquistador’ behaviour that modern Christians condemn in their own history is being practised by Muslims against Christians in places like Nigeria. Sadly it is only recently that clerics from major and Established churches such as the Anglican Bishop of Truro, have, in conjuction with Her Majesty’s Government started to look closely at what is in some places a genocide of Christians. Hopefully this will change the attitude of this government in the UK towards oppressed Christians in the future. This is because for far too long departments like the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have looked away from atrocities committed against Christians possibly in order to keep on the good side of wealthy Islamic nations. This lack of moral fibre on the part of the FCO when it comes to sticking up for oppressed Christians needs to be a thing of the past.

To give just one example of what the Christian population of Africa is suffering at the moment we need only to go to the aforementioned Nigeria to see the sort of bestial way that Muslims are treating Christians in that nation. According to a report in the UK Daily Mail recently, eleven Christians were murdered in Nigeria by a local branch of the ISIS terror group on Christmas Day. They had been killed by this Muslim group as vengance for the deaths of high level ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria that occurred in attacks by Western nations and allies on the ISIS leadership.

The Mail said:

Eleven Christian hostages were killed by Islamic State terrorists in Nigeria on Christmas Day, it has been reported. 

The Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) claim they killed the captives to avenge for the killing of their leaders Abu bakr al-Baghdadi and Abul-Hasan Al-Muhajir in Iraq and Syria. 

A video released on Wednesday showed 13 hostages, 10 believed to be Christian and three Muslim. ISWAP claimed they spared the lives of two of the Muslims, local media reported. 

The deaths came after an earlier video saw the hostages plead with the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) to negotiate their release. 

In a statement, ISWAP said: ‘We killed them as a revenge for the killings of our leaders, including Abu bakr al-Baghdadi and Abul-Hasan Al-Muhajir in Iraq and Syria.’ 

Whilst this set of killings by Islamic savages is particularly horrific taking place as it did on Christmas Day, these eleven martyrs are just a few of the thousands of Christians and other non-Muslims who have been killed by Islamic terror groups in Africa. Right across the continent of Africa, from Nigeria to Kenya and from the northern coasts to sub-Saharan Africa and beyond, the spectre of Islamic violence is descending on people’s who have few ways of defending themselves agaisnt it.

William Wilberforce the great anti slave trade campaigner, is quoted in the Bishop of Truro’s report into Christian persecution and this quote is very apt for the slow motion genocide that Muslim groups are bringing to Christians. He said, in 1791 that ‘You may choose to look the other way, but you can never again say you did not know’ . This is very similar to the situation regarding oppressed Christians. We cannot say that we don’t know what is happening, we can see the anti-Christian jihad in full force in Africa and just starting up, in the form of church burnings, in parts of Europe, the question is are we going to make ourselves feel more comfortable by looking away or are we going to do something about it and speak up?

1 Comment on "An unhappy Christmas for Christians in Africa"

  1. “According to a report in the UK Daily Mail recently, eleven Christians were murdered in Nigeria by a local branch of the ISIS terror group on Christmas Day. They had been killed by this Muslim group as vengance for the deaths of high level ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria that occurred in attacks by Western nations and allies on the ISIS leadership.”
    What needs to be understood in this (if true) is that it springs from the Islamic belief that non-Muslims everywhere on the planet are Dhimmis.
    This has become increasingly common over the last several decades with the internationalising of the global community.
    According to the Pact of Umar, a Dhimmah (contract of Dhimmitude by which certain non-Muslims can be “protected” from Muslim violence) contains a hostage clause which basically says that if any one of the Dhimmis breaks the Dhimmah then the entire Dhimmi population can be treated as enemies of Islam (robbed, raped, murdered or enslaved).
    Thus when a bunch of (implicit) Dhimmis (westerners) kill a bunch of terrorists in Iraq and Syria, their co-religionists believe it is quite right and proper to “take revenge” on the (implicit) Dhimmis in their own Countries. Hence the murders in Nigeria.

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