Now here’s a party that might be worth joining


I’ve not been a member of a political party for years when I was for a short time , a member of the Tory party, but who left because the party’s descent into a blue badged New Labour, disappointed me. But, there is now a party that I might consider joining.

According to a report on Kipper Central a new populist alliance is being set up and is set to include several people whom I personally respect such as the YouTuber Sargon of Akkad and the counter jihad campaigner Tommy Robinson. I must say I’m very pleased to see solid free speech campaigners like Sargon and Mr Robinson becoming involved in this, we need a party that will champion the return of the freedom of speech that we’ve lost under successive governments.

Kipper Central said:

A new “populist alliance” of free speech activists will launch this Friday in London, with major figures like Tommy Robinson and YouTuber Sargon of Akkad set to make speeches at the event.

The movement, which has not yet announced its name, says it will seek to challenge the “woke, ‘progressive’ and Anglophobic elite” after its launch.

And about time too I say.

The movement, which is being founded by Christian campaigner Peter Mcilvenna and fellow Christian Alan Craig, is said to be a broad-based movement focusing on freedom of speech and populism. Mr Peter Mcilvenna told Kipper Central, “For the first time, a broad coalition of individuals are coming together to address the free speech crisis and talk about the culture clash in our society.

In the UK we have no populist movement; this could be the beginning of something big.”

I find myself vigorously nodding in agreement to one particular part of this new group’s press release.

Although it lost the Brexit battle, this elite is winning the war to impose its own woke, ’progressive’ and Anglophobic worldview on all people and in all corners of national life.

When citizens speak out to express common sense views, increasingly they can lose their jobs, be pilloried by the mainstream media, have their social media and bank accounts cancelled, be visited by police and find themselves dragged through the courts.

Britain is in a terrible place at the moment especially when it comes to freedom of speech. The average subject is at the mercy of hate mobs made up of leftists hounding them off social media or forcing them out of their jobs and by those who run to the law like some playground snitch whenever their ideology, whether it be transgenderism or what have you is challenged.

I will be interested to see how this new party progresses and whether it is worth my while joining but if it is going to be broad based and defend the rights of both the palatable and the unpalatable to speak, then it might be worth supporting. UKIP has been finished off by infighting and the Brexit Party is merely a vehicle for Nigel Farage’s views rather than a fully fledged mass membership party. If this new party can avoid the pitfalls that have befallen UKIP and the Brexit Party then they could pick up the votes and support of the increasing number of Britons who are wondering where the free speech that our ancestors fought and died for has gone.

3 Comments on "Now here’s a party that might be worth joining"

  1. You may want to consider joining The For Britain Movement!

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 25, 2020 at 1:05 pm |

      I did consider that but I don’t like their policy of aggressive and authoritarian secularism.

  2. hopefully the new party and For Britain
    will cooperate and not compete in elections

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