Please sign the petition for the Government to release the Grooming Gang report


As many will know in Britain, the former Home Secretary Sajid Javid ordered an enquiry into what has become known as the Islamic Rape Gang phenomena  which has scarred the lives of tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of girls and young women in Britain over the last few decades. Many people, including myself, believe that this report could help to lance a boil that has been growing for too long and would allow both the public and the state, for the first time, to openly debate the issue of Islamic Rape Gangs, the religious aspects and motivations of these gangs and come up with a way to stop them preying on our children. Releasing the report would have been a first step towards solving a problem that has ruined countless British children and young women.

But, Home Office civil servants seem to think that Britons can’t be trusted with the information and that it is ‘not in the public interest’ to release this report. This is arrogance beyond belief by the Home Office and is giving rise to suspicions among the public that the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs is far far worse than we have previously imagined. The Home Office civil servants are presumably worried about the public’s reaction and the hard questions that are going to be asked of Islam and its promoters and apologists.  I can think of few other reasons why the Home Office would hide a report that the public was previously told would be released.

However, there is a way that we the people can put some pressure on the government to release this report either in its entirety or with information related to current police operations against Islamic Rape Gangs, redacted. This is the release of the official HMG petition on the Parliament website which calls on the government to release the whole report.

Remember this is an official petition, it’s not like the sort of things you see from Change or 38Degrees, which are private entities. If this Parliamentary petition gets more than 100,000 signatures then it will be considered for debate in the House of Commons. I would urge anyone and everyone who is worried about the increasing problems of Islamic Rape Gangs and also those worried about the lack of debate on the subject of Islam to sign this petition. The public, whose children are the primary victims of these Islamic Rape Gangs, deserve to know the extent of the problem in order that this problem can be solved.

You can reach the Parliamentary petition via the link below. You should note that you must supply your address and you must be a British citizen/subject in order to sign this. Please sign.

2 Comments on "Please sign the petition for the Government to release the Grooming Gang report"

  1. thanks for the link,signed!

  2. Nemisis Benn | March 10, 2020 at 5:45 pm |

    106,435 and counting.
    I wonder when the government will notice?

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