Guest Post – The Gangs of Glasgow (and elsewhere) and their common denominator.


A very interesting Guest Post contribution from a writer who is called Jacob. In this piece he highlights an issue that although afflicts Glasgow badly, also afflicts other parts of the UK and that is the problem of violent majority Muslim criminal gangs. These gangs are notable, according to Jacob, as to who they target and with these particular gangs the target appears to be Caucasian Britons. As far as I can ascertain, few if any of these Muslim on non-Muslim/White Briton attacks are treated by the courts, as they should be, as racially motivated crimes. The fact that they are not shows up the major failure of ALL hate crime laws which is that they have a tendency not to treat every group with equity and from what Jacob is saying, it certainly seems to be the that crimes that should be treated as racialy motivated are not when the perpetrator is a Muslim. There is a strong current of racialism in Islam and Islamic culture and we can see this not just from looking at contemporary stories but also by looking at the historical record of Islam and its conduct when it has encountered other ethnic and religious groups.

Glasgow – the racism of Pakistani Muslims towards whites – By Jacob

Glasgow city centre. A sixteen-year-old boy has been seriously injured after he was dragged into the middle of the road by a gang of Muslim youths who proceeded to kick him and stamp on his head. The boy is in hospital in a stable condition. His name and ethnicity have not been released by the police, and there is no mention that the attack was racially motivated, but this in itself means nothing. Whenever a lone individual is assaulted by a gang of Muslims, race rarely, if ever, seems to be a motivating factor, if indeed it is even mentioned. Not so in reverse, however, and by this point everyone knows that the police and the media assist in covering up crimes committed by Muslims, stating in some cases that it’s not in the best interest of the public for certain statistics to be released.

How do I know these youths are Muslim? The answer is in the word ‘Asian’ that is used to describe them. I would bet money that these Asian lads are not Indian and that they are not Sikhs. There are no gangs of feral Sikh youth running around Glasgow city centre, and the Indian population is very small. Out of all the countries that comprise the continent of Asia, the minute you see ‘Asian’ in the newspaper you just know that the article is referencing a Pakistani criminal, that’s how notorious Muslims in the West are. As well as being incredibly proficient in the grooming and raping of children, Muslims are also ranked high in the UK’s list of cowards who go out in gangs and attack lone individuals.

From Kriss Donald in Glasgow through to Christopher Yates who was kicked to death by three Muslims in East London. And like the young Glasgow victim of last night, these Muslims also ‘stamped’ on this man’s head while he lay on the pavement. The Muslims shouted, after they murdered Mr. Yates, “We have killed the white man. That will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business.” And even with an eye witness who recorded Mr. Yates’ killers’ remarks, a judge still felt he had to deliberate as to whether or not the attack was racially motivated. You have to wonder what more does it take before a Muslim can be convicted on racially motivated charges in the UK.

The worrying thing about these attacks on Caucasians by Muslims in the UK is that political correctness is shutting down the debate. A study as far back as 2004 shows that almost half of racially motivated murders in the UK are committed against white people, and these crimes go under-reported. Senior police officers have admitted that, “white, working-class men are more alienated than the Muslim community…”, and that “it was harder to get the media interested where murder victims were young white men.” This is worrying because Caucasian people make up the majority of the UK, and especially Scotland, and even with the police admitting that it is young white men who are the victims, it is still Muslims who are accorded the police protection and the media sympathy.

If the UK were a racist country, as liberals would have you believe, then these statistics belie the real racism which is against Caucasian people, with a lot of it being committed by the Pakistani Muslim community.

Racism is rife within Islamic tenets, lands, governments, and amongst Muslims. It’s also common knowledge, but again no one wants to acknowledge it even although they make no secret of it. Muhammad Ali, convert to Islam, on British TV stated that he has no white friends and that the “white man is the devil.” This is racism at its finest, and Muhammad Ali either learnt it under Islam, or at the very least had his own anti-white racist beliefs affirmed when he became a Muslim. Muslims are presenting themselves as being a problematic fit into the Scottish culture. The rape of women and girls, boys and men, drug dealing, extortion, fraud, gang violence, murder and more. And again, no one is saying that only Muslims engage in these activities, but what must be noted is that Islam and Muslims make such huge claims for themselves as being the most devout and peaceful of people when nothing could be further from the truth, as the facts clearly show us. How many more deaths and near-deaths will it take before a Muslim can be called a racist?

2 Comments on "Guest Post – The Gangs of Glasgow (and elsewhere) and their common denominator."

  1. Excellent piece. The conversation that the U.K. needs to have about this issue to about 2 decades to damn late.

  2. The problem is that some people still think racism has something to do with actual (phenotypic) race.
    Decades ago racism was defined as a form of prejudice that was the sole provenance of white people because they are the dominant culture of the western world.
    Put another way: racism only operates “downwards” in the lowerarchy of intersectionalist oppresser/oppressed orthodoxy.
    Thus, if the perpetrators are an “oppressed minority” (and never forget all minorities in this view ARE oppressed), even if they openly stated that “we are killing you because you are white and for no other reason whatsoever” such a murder *still* would not be racist.

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