A terrible ‘open borders’ murder in Italy

The location of the Fondi region where an elderly Italian farmer trying to enforce quarantine measures was murdered by a Pakistani migrant.


It is not just Chinese Covid19 that is killing Italian citizens, the policy of open borders that was encouraged by the EU and in particular Germany, has also allowed in murderers and other criminals to enter Italy and prey on the ordinary people of that nation.   It transpires that recently an Italian farmer who was attempting to enforce the Covid19 lockdown in his area, was murdered by a Pakistani migrant with a long criminal record.

An American conservative publication, that is taking as its source the mainstream Italian newspaper La Republica, (h/t ROP) has said that a 69 year old farmer was attempting to stop the Pakistani savage from leaving the Fondi province, was murdered by the aforementioned Pakistani savage. This particular Pakistani was trying to leave an area that had been closed off and was challenged by the farmer who was then allegedly murdered by the Pakistani. According to a web translation of the original Italian source, the Pakistani savage smashed the farmer’s head in with some sort of implement that the Pakistani was carrying in his car.

The National Pulse, drawing heavily from La Republica said:

Sixty-nine year old Emilio Maggiacomo was working on his vineyard situated in the hills of Latina, part of the Fondi province. The province has been on a complete lockdown – not allowing any traffic in or out – since March 19th due to the death toll of the novel coronavirus felt especially hard across Italy.

According to reports, a 44 year old Pakistani national who was “known to the police and involved in drug trafficking” stumbled upon Maggiacomo’s farm while attempting to leave the city despite the lockdown. Maggiacomo informed the man it wouldn’t be possible to leave the city and nor should he.

In response, the man became aggressive, hurling “insults,” prompting Maggiacomo to call his son asking him to alert the police. When police finally showed up, he was found dead, clenching the foreigner’s health card. The Carabinieri and the police easily tracked down the suspect and are currently interrogating him.

Mr Maggiacomo was only doing what was expected of him as a citizen during the current emergency, telling the Pakistani that he should stay in the area in order to protect others. His reward for doing this was to be killed by a Pakistani savage who should never ever have been allowed on Italian soil in the first place.

Out of all the deaths and misery that Italy is suffering from at the moment, this is one death that could have been prevented. It could have been prevented by the simple expedient of Italy being able to shut its borders to violent third world savages like this one. If someone in authority had said ‘no’ to this Pakistani when he attempted to enter Italy, then Mr Maggiacomo would be alive today.

This is a murder that can be directly attributed to the open borders policy so beloved of both the European Union and by Italian Leftists. It is also a case that illustrates plainly why open borders and its bastard offspring the ‘refugees welcome’ movement, needs to be stopped immediately.

2 Comments on "A terrible ‘open borders’ murder in Italy"

  1. Phil Copson | April 2, 2020 at 9:48 am |

    Totally off-topic, but 69 is not “elderly” – it is only 3 years beyond normal retirement age – at 66 you are expected to be fully-fit , compos mentis, and holding down a full-time responsible job !

    I doubt that Emilio Maggiacomo – still working hard on his farm – regarded himself as elderly and feeling ready for his pipe and slippers, and he was evidently still strong enough to get into a fight with this witless thug and wrest something from him: I think you mean “late middle-age” ?

    (The most stupid example of conferring unwanted senior-status on somebody that I have come across, was – (and in The ‘Telegraph of all places, where you’d think they know better….) – of a 35-year old taxi-driver – a man in the prime of adulthood – being described as “middle-aged”…….! )

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