Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S**thole volume 129 – Blaming nudes not Jews for a problem for a change.


Pakistan is a country with a great many problems. Quite a few of the problems that Pakistan has can be connected to the fact that the country is run by the precepts of Islam. This cleaving to Islam and allowing Islam to influence Pakistan’s governance has created a monumental shithole where poverty and ignorance abound, women and children are the targets of violence, where religious minorities such as Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are persecuted.

It is also a nation where Islam-inspired conspiracy theories about Jews and Israel are common and which have even adversely affected the distribution of vital medicines such as Polio vaccines, which are refused on the false grounds that the vaccine was produced by the Jews with the express purpose of enfeebling Muslims. If you ask me it’s more likely to be generations of inbreeding that is enfeebling Muslims rather than any action by members of other governments and other religions.

In Pakistan it’s normal to ‘blame the Jews’ for the problems that Pakistan suffers from, even when the problems have been caused by the corruption and incompetence of their own, Muslim, politicians or their own Islamic ideology. However a story has come along that gave me a big chuckle. Apparently a lunatic Islamic cleric is blaming nudity for Covid19 rather than the Jews this time. Well I suppose it makes a bit of a change doesn’t it to see the nudists and nudity getting the blame for troubles by these nutters?

According to a report on the Indian news site, News Tracker Live (h/t ROP), a Pakistani cleric has claimed that there should be no research into a cure or a vaccine for Covid19 because it is the result of Allah being angered by nudists.

News Tracker Live said:

If this comment, brought from neighboring Pakistan and the terror stronghold of Pakistan to Corona, is accepted, everyone including scientists and doctors from all over the world should return home after covering their bags. Here a maulana has said that neither vaccine should be discovered to prevent this disease nor any measures should be taken to prevent it.

According to Zee News report, Pakistan’s chief cleric says that the rising obscenity and nudity has led to the wrath of Allah as a corona virus epidemic. There has been a lot of uproar over Maulana’s comment. Rights activists and civil society members have strongly condemned this comment made on national television. Maulana made the comment during a telethon of PM Imran Khan on 23 April to raise money for people affected by the corona virus.

Let me tell you that Maulana Jamil has a large number of followers in Pakistan. Maulana states that, “because of obscenity and nudity, Allah was enraged and sent it in the form of Corona virus.” Getting his clothes short. When vulgarity is common in society, does Allah send his wrath like this?

I’ve been doing some digging into this particular lunatic Islamic cleric and frighteningly he is followed by thousands of Muslims, especially Pakistani ones, right across the world. He has lot of influence and has supporters who will wax lyrical about him on social media.

Still, I suppose it’s a bit of a novelty to see an Islamic cleric blaming a problem on something other than ‘the Jews’. Maybe his next target will be the ‘bicyclists’ who knows?*

This cleric represents ignorance, oppression, unthinking superstition and stupidity and he’s a creation of Islam just as much as Pakistan itself is.

* In the early 1920s the humorist Friedrich Hollaender wrote a song mocking the Jew haters that were rabble rousing following the end of World War One in Europe. He wrote: “Everything is the fault of the Jews and the Bicyclists” “Why the bicyclists?” “Why the Jews?”

From ‘For Peace In Europe – Institutions and civil society between the World Wars’ edited by Marta Petricioli, Donatella Cherubini LINK

3 Comments on "Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S**thole volume 129 – Blaming nudes not Jews for a problem for a change."

  1. Phil Copson | April 30, 2020 at 8:28 am |

    Friedrich Hollaender may have been closer to the mark than he knew; a friend’s wife once took part in a charity cycle ride out there, and she and her friends were stunned to find themselves being attacked by the very people they were trying to raise funds for – enraged by the sight of Western women wearing cycling shorts, the villagers would try to lash them as they passed.

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 30, 2020 at 8:39 am |

      Sadly this sort of incident is par for the course with Pakistan and places like them. BTW Maybe it’s time for a very funny Jewish joke.

      Two old Jewish guys were sitting on a park bench together reading newspapers. One of them notices that the other’s paper is from a really antisemitic organization and basically a pure antisemitic propaganda publication.

      “What the hell are you reading? Why don’t you read our Jewish papers?”

      “You see Chaim” the other man says calmly “When I read our newspapers all I see are pogroms, antisemitic hate crimes and it’s just depressing and scary, here on the other hand” he says while showing his friend the frontpage ” I’m apparently a masterminded banker, have millions in secret accounts and even rule the whole world!”

  2. Perhaps a keyboard error? N & J are adjacent, maybe he meant Judes?

    But seriously, these cretinous clerics are a real danger to the ignorant and deluded around them.

    I wonder what Imran (Gimme money) Khan really thinks about the savages he leads?

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