Day Twelve in the ‘Big Savage House’ – Ramadan death toll roars past 200


A few days ago, in a previous article in the ‘Big Savage House 2020 ’ strand I predicted that the number of deaths from religiously inspired violence would reach 200 by Wednesday. It’s now Wednesday and sadly I have been proven to be correct. The current death toll caused by followers of Islam aka the woefully misnamed ‘religion of peace; is now 219.

According to the website that monitors Islamic terrorism and other oppression related to Islam, The Religion of Peace, nearly twenty five people were killed by Islamic religiously inspired violence in the space of roughly 24 hours. Whilst some Muslims, especially in places like the United Kingdom, whine about the alleged and often overstated ‘problem’ of ‘Islamophobia’, other Muslims are doing what Islam and its followers have been doing for centuries, which is murdering non-Muslims and those Muslims who the attackers consider to be not Muslim enough.

During this period of Ramadan, there is often a marked increase in the number of violent attacks and incidents carried out by Muslims. This can be down to the issue of individuals driven mad by injudicious and damaging daylight hours fasting followed by binging on food and also because for some Muslims Ramadan is considered an auspicious time to carry out the instructions of Islam’s bloodsoaked deity Allah.

For the record. During the Ramadan period there have been precisely zero attacks by either members of other religions or the ‘far right’ that Western governments insist are as much a problem as Islamic terrorism. You only have to look at the death toll for Ramadan (and the rest of the year) and at the behviour of members of other faiths and other political paths to see that this claim is complete bullshit. Whilst I’m not any great fan of the political ‘far right’ myself, it’s plain to see that the number of dead that this path creates in the modern world is way below the death toll created by Islam and its followers. Similarly, we do not see anything like the number of deaths as is created by Muslims coming from either Christians or Jews at their major religious festivals.

Islam is different, but not in any nice way, and it is at Ramadan that this difference can be seen most starkly and in most detail. We are now coming up to the half way point of Ramadan and going by the figures so far it may well be that the death toll may be less than last years one which was approximately 900. This may well be down to the fact that the Coronavirus has reduced the number of Muslims listening to extremist clerics in mosques and a lack of targets for Islamic violence in the West. After all if you are hell bent on killing ‘kufar’ for Allah then empty town squares are not going to yeild that many victims are they?

Islam is not a religion of peace, it is an affliction that the Western and civilised world has had to live with for 1400 years. Islam kills and oppresses non-Muslims and also does the same to those Muslims who want to think freely or even to reform Islam and take away the more nasty exhortations to violence. The quicker that we all realise that despite the Muslims we may come into contact with being decent people, the idology that they are trapped in is considerably less than decent, then the better equipped we in civilised nations will be to confront Islam through open and free discussion.

2 Comments on "Day Twelve in the ‘Big Savage House’ – Ramadan death toll roars past 200"

  1. Gila Carcas Wittow | May 6, 2020 at 11:48 am |

    If the evils within Islamic ideology are to be resisted early enough before western countries which have foolishly allowed in millions of Muslim immigrants find they are either overwhelmed by civil war or the appalling oppression of Islamic sharia law becoming the law of the land, then it is imperative something is done NOW. All imams and Muslims in positions of power in western countries should be required publicly to denounce the hateful and violent teachings of Quran 8:12, 9:5, 9:29 and all others which command Muslims to abuse and/or to murder non-adherents simply because of their beliefs. If they cannot or will not, mosques and madrassas need to be shut down as well as all immigration of Muslims, and every Muslim immigrant who commits a serious crime needs to lose his citizenship and be deported. Sounds drastic and unwestern, but given the complete incompatibility of Islamic sharia law with western values of freedom of speech and equal human rights for everyone irrespective of differences, this huge elephant in the room needs to be faced openly, strongly and unequivocally. Whatever violent reactions there may be from some Muslims as a result are as nothing compared with what will be if, as seems likely in the future, Muslims become the majority in any western country.
    Enough of the relativistic nonsense of political correctness. As Lebanese Christian jihadi survivor Brigitte Gabriel famously said a few years ago, most Germans were not Nazis, most Russians and Chinese were not communists, but that didn’t stop the appalling suffering and murder of many millions of people. The peaceful majority were – and in the case of Islam are – irrelevant.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 6, 2020 at 12:27 pm |

      Good comment, and brilliant video by the way. Although I’m a believer in religious freedom, which was something that took a long time to achieve in the UK, freedom of religion becomes a negative when one religion is violently hostile to members of other faiths. Your Lebanon example is a good one. Lebanon and its capital Beirut was once the Paris of the East before Islam came to dominate it, now it is a basket case. I agree with you that discriminating on the grounds of religious affiliation seems ‘unwestern’ but on the other hand discriminating against Islam, maybe by way of a modern version of the Popery Act of the seventeenth century that restricted Roman Catholicism at a time when Catholicism was a genuine political and national security threat to the UK, might be the way to impose restrictions on the followers of an ideology that is a contemporary threat?

      I also agree with you that the government in the UK is running scared of Muslims or rather running scared of the violence that they will cause if their demands and desires are not satisfied. Britain and its governments seem to have forgotten that it was less than a century ago that we realised that standing up to bullying tyrants was better than appeasement. Western nations do have to stand up to Islam now or it will become more difficult in the future.

      I’m with you on the issue that treating Islam as ‘just another religion’ is relativistic nonsense but morally I’m still worried about how does a nation crack down on the ideology of Islam without harming those who have been brainwashed into following it or coerced into following it? For me at the end of the day, whilst I accept that there are peaceful Muslims, that doesn’t mean that Islam itself is peaceful.

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