Boris cucks to the Left

Boris Johnson back? No thanks.


Whilst I enthusiastically voted for Boris Johnson both in the December 2019 General Election that confirmed him as Prime Minister and once for Mr Johnson as Mayor of Greater London, I’m having to admit that he is becoming an increasing disappointment. To be fair to him he’s doing his best, or rather it seems to be the case, with regards getting Britain out of a dying and dysfunctional European Union, but in many other areas, it’s merely a case of ‘meet the new boss, same as the old boss’ or ‘same shit but different gravy’.

Firstly there was the failure to properly go after the BBC, despite ample evidence of its left wing and indeed anti-British bias which was evident throughout the Brexit referendum campaign and subsequently during the time when the Remainers were trying their best to annul the Brexit vote. The BBC, because of it’s dominant media position in the UK should have been a primary target from day one of his government after the issue of Brexit. Britain cannot afford to have a taxpayer funded broadcaster acting for all the world like some sort of fifth columnist for foreign interests or for far Left causes.

Then there is how his government has handled the Coronavirus issue. Boris’s government has handled this with what can be reasonably described as panic and waste. His government failed to look at multiple sources of information regarding the ebb and flow of pandemics and instead threw all the nation’s eggs into the basket marked ‘total lockdown’ a basket presented to the government by Professor Ferguson of Imperial College. The damage to the economy and to society of this probably ill judged policy is and will be huge.

Now we have Mr Johnson cucking to the political Left over the disturbances caused by the BLM/Marxist thugs that have been given free reign in Britain over the last few weeks. According to a report on Sky News, Boris Johnson is going to have a cross government commission to tackle ‘racism’.

Sky News said:

Boris Johnson has promised a cross-government commission to tackle racism, but admitted it “won’t be easy” to change attitudes in Britain.

The prime minister announced the review, designed to root out inequality in education, employment, health and many other sectors, after weeks of protests calling for an end to discrimination.

Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson warned the review must “tackle the substance of the problem, not symbols”, as he condemned far-right “thugs” who attacked statues and fought with police at the weekend.

This is not the way that a conservative government, or one that aspires to be conservative should be behaving. What Mr Johnson should have done is tell the truth about Britain which is that Britain is not an inherently racist country but is in fact a country where anyone can succeed, no matter what their skin colour. He should have told the various race baiters and race hustlers out there that nobody is held back because of skin colour in modern Britain. He should have been honest and told the country that the reason that some ethnic minority Britons fail at life is not because there’s a ‘no blacks’ sign on the doors of employers or universities, but because too many minority families have failed and some individuals in minority communities have stuffed up their own life chances. He should have shown some damned confidence in this nation and told the race baiters and hustlers to go do one.

Now I’m not denying that racialists exist, of course they do, to deny their existence would be both foolish and counterfactual. But not all racialists are white, some are black, some are brown and some are oriental. Racialism exists in all people and in all nations. What there is not is what the Left allege, which is systemic racism aimed at ethnic minority Britons.

Boris Johnson has made a huge error in cucking to the Left by agreeing to this commission. It is plain to see from where I stand that such a commission will not be filled with reasonable people with a wide range of political and social views working together to come to some form of evidence based consensus view about alleged racial inequality. This commission will invariably be dominated by the very same left wingers, race hustlers and similar who have pushed the victim narrative onto minority Britons and played a significant part in the failure of those from some minority communities to thrive.

Yet again, just as over Coronavirus we’ve seen Boris Johnson and his government panic and bring in a bad potentially destructive policy. He has kneeled at the feet of a mob and that is not the sort of action that we should be seeing from a British Prime Minister. He should have been celebrating Britain’s achievements in treating everyone as having an equal right to succeed or fail, instead he’s capitulated to the screaming and dangerous Left. I really didn’t want to be disappointed with Boris Johnson and his government, but he’s given me too many reasons to be disappointed.

3 Comments on "Boris cucks to the Left"

  1. Phil Copson | June 15, 2020 at 12:16 pm |


  2. We’ll get The Lammy Report writ large.
    i.e. it will manufacture racism where there is none.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 15, 2020 at 2:47 pm |

      I reckon you are right. We’ve already had Lammy whining on BBC Radio this morning about how nobody listened to him or his lamentable Lammy report.

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