Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole volume 142 – Hindu doctor murdered


As many will know, if they are regular readers of this strand documenting why Pakistan is such a shithole, life for religious and cultural minorities in Pakistan is not just bad, it’s truly awful. Religious minorities in Pakistan are treated like second or even third class citizens by the Muslim majority and by the government and the civil establishment.

Those from religious minorities often are allocated the very worse jobs, the jobs with the least status and arrest and or death can come at any time should an accusation, whether real or false, be made by a Muslim that the minority individual has ‘blasphemed’ Islam. Christian and Hindu families are also targeted for violence by Muslims and the phenomenon of Muslims abducting girls from these from non-Muslim families continues to be a scandal that all too many people who could speak out about but choose to not do so.

Now another horrific story is coming out of Pakistan about the murder of a Hindu doctor in Sindh province. The story comes from the Hindu Post, an Indian publication (h/t ROP) and I would like to warn you that the pictures in the original article are pretty gruesome and you may not want to click on the linked story.

The Hindu Post said:

Disturbing news about a Hindu doctor being murdered is coming in from Pakistan. Dr. Lal Chand Bagari of Tando Allahyar, Sindh province had his throat slit with a sharp tool as per information posted by several trusted social media handles of Pakistan.

While the immediate cause of this murder is not known, such attacks on the minority Hindu community, including businessmen, teachers, doctors etc. – are quite common. A few years back,  Dr. Pritam Das Lakhwani was shot dead late at night while he was working in his clinic ‘Bismillah Clinic’ in Karachi – his shaken family decided to emigrate to Bharat, and one can read the painful story in the words of Dr. Lakhwani’s daughter here.

Last year, veterinarian doctor Ramesh Kumar was targeted by Islamists in Mirpur Khas, Sindh over a trumped up blasphemy charge. Cases of Hindu businessmen, teachers and others being targeted through the draconian blasphemy law are routine in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the most common form of persecution, the abduction and sexual slavery of minor Hindu girls continues unabated.

The fact that a Hindu doctor has been murdered, when it is set alongside all the other persecutions that Hindus go through in the shithole that is Pakistan, I’d go as far as to say that the likelihood that this was a religiously motivated murder is very high. I suspect that there is a strong possibility that Dr Bagari was murdered in large part because he was a Hindu.

Pakistan adheres to and practices some of the worst types of Islam in the entire world and this contributes greatly to the disgraceful way that minorities are treated in Pakistan. This benighted and ruined nation, ruined by Islam itself, has become a hell-scape for anyone who is not a Sunni Muslim or who supports the worst excesses of an Islamic ideology that taken to extremes is little more than a death cult. I cannot see Pakistan changing and becoming a civilised nation unless they take the big step of leaving Islam behind and becoming a secular nation. Until that happens, Pakistan will continue to be a cesspit of hatred, violence and depravity and Pakistan’s religious minorities will continue to be oppressed and persecuted.

May Dr Bagari’s memory be for a blessing. My thoughts are with his family and all those oppressed by Islam.