From Elsewhere: Video – Steve Baker MP takes the BLM poison


There are a lot of people who are profoundly disappointed in Steve Baker MP. In the run up to the vote on extending the Government’s covid powers, he made a lot of very appreciated noises about liberty. The problem is that when the chips were down Steve Baker voted with the Government and to extend the covid powers.

But this, as Sargon of Akkad points out in a recent video, is not the only time that Steve Baker has spoken in the tone of a rightist but behaved like a socialist. In the video that I’ve embedded below, Sargon highlights how Mr Baker has seemingly, hook, line and sinker, bought into the ‘white privilege’ guff as espoused by the BLM/Marxists.

I watched this video and seeing Mr Baker talk about ‘intersectionality’ was like watching the effect on someone who had just consumed poison. In a way he has. He’s consumed the racist, communist poison of BLM.

It is both disgraceful and disturbing to see Mr Baker trot out BLM/Marxist bullshit such as white people have the privilege of saying that Britain is an equal country and believe it. Mr Baker has imbibed the poison of BLM/Marxists but he’s not alone in doing so, much of the Conservative Party appears to have done the same.

After Mr Baker’s performance in the Commons recently and after watching the Sargon video, it’s difficult not to come to the conclusion that Steve Baker is all talk with very little substance behind his words. What a complete and utter shower the Conservative Party has become to embrace not only authoritarianism, but also ideas that are formulated and promoted by Marxists.

3 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Video – Steve Baker MP takes the BLM poison"

  1. Phil Copson | October 4, 2020 at 1:28 pm |

    “Blow you, Jack – I’m alright….”. What Baker means is: “I’m going to cling on to every last privilege, perk, and pension pot that I can – and if that means throwing everyone else under the bus – who cares ?”

  2. It’s difficult not to come to the conclusion that Steve Baker, Brady, Davis, Redwood et al are on a revolving chain of “Who shall we send out this month to pretend we’re listening?”

    Most see their strong opposition on news and think ‘good chap’, but how they vote never covered

    See Peter Hitchens today

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