More comes out about the Vienna Terror Savages

The location of Vienna the capital of Austria.


As expected, as time has gone on this morning more information has come out about last night’s appalling Islamic attack on people near to a synagogue in Vienna. According to news reports in the UK the death toll caused by these terror savage Muslims now stands at four, two men and two women. The number of injured is now said to be at 14 people mostly suffering from gunshot wounds and cuts with seven of the victims said to be in a ‘life threatening condition’.

Several arrests have been made by Austrian police, including two arrested in the Austrian city of St Polten. However there is no news as yet as to where the other attackers from last night may be. They could be hiding in amongst Vienna’s Muslim population or even being deliberately hidden by Muslims in Austria. At the moment we do not know. We must assume at this point, pending information to the contrary from the Austrian authorities stating that they have been apprehended, that there are at least two armed Islamic terror savages at large in Austria. It is not known at this time whether the arrests that have been made are of the Islamic terror savages who carried out this atrocity themselves or members of this group’s support network or merely other known extremist Muslims.

There is no doubt whatsoever that this attack is Islamic in nature. Nobody not even the most supine and dishonest Islamopanderer could claim this as being anything but an Islamic attack. However the BBC seems to be doing its level best to divert attention away from Islam by putting the phrase ‘Islamist terror’ in quote marks possibly so as to sow doubt in readers minds about the nature of this attack. This is something that is woefully unsurprising for the BBC.

Equally unsurprising is the information that has come out of Austria regarding the Islamic terror savage who was shot dead during a firefight with Austrian police. The 20 year old gunman was, of course, Muslim, with an Albanian / North Macedonian heritage and was a dual national of both Austria and North Macedonia. Sky News said that the savage was ‘known to the authorities’ and had a prior conviction for terrorist activity. That information about the dead savage is sadly all too common. Austria, like other European nations has thousands upon thousands of Muslim extremists ready and willing to die and to kill for their death cult. Britain is no exception. As of April 2020, there are 43,000 radical Muslims that the British state is attempting, not always successfully, to monitor. Any one of those could suddenly decide to go ‘full Islam’ and murder people or at the very least provide aid and comfort to those who would kill.

The Austrian police are still trying to find out what has happened and to apprehend the Islamic savages behind this latest violent Islamic outrage and to make sure that they are all accounted for. Let’s pray that these savages are caught or killed by the Austrian authorities soon. Other nations need to pay attention to what has gone on in Vienna and it is to be hoped that the security forces of surrounding nations are on alert as it is quite possible that some of these Islamic terror savages involved in last nights attack could have slipped across one of the EU’s very porous borders in to places like France, Italy or Germany and are being sheltered by like minded Muslims there. The immediate threat of attack in Vienna seems to be over now but these savages or those like them are most very likely to return.

1 Comment on "More comes out about the Vienna Terror Savages"

  1. Boris, Rabb, Priti

    For God’s sake, stop importing hundreds more of these savages every day – turn them back

    French & UK Gov’t actively encouraging these illegal immigrants

    French fishermen, earning more money transporting migrants than catching fish

    Delivering Dinghy´s Back To France To Be ‘Re-Used’

    Taking the boats back for reuse is active people trafficking by UK Gov’t

    C4 News (of all places):

    Savage shot was known and recently released from prison, had passed de-radicalism programme — questions being asked

    Hundreds more due to be released next few months

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