From Elsewhere: Lefties get shafted – by Biden.


The American Left voted for Joe Biden in droves, partly because of the left’s hatred for President Trump, but also because they thought Biden would be ‘on their side’ or could be manipulated into turning the USA into the socialist state that they desire. However, it seems to be turning out that the first group of people conned by Biden have been American socialists.

Liberal Hivemind has an excellent video on the subject of meltdowns from leftist outlets about Biden’s plans and carries tales of far leftists having buyers remorse for voting for Biden. Liberal Hivemind also recounts how desires by the fascistic Green/Left for a depowering of America may have been thwarted by Biden’s appointment of an individual with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as a ‘climate change lead’.

It’s all looking like a disaster for the American Left. Biden will more than likely, if he is installed as President, be beholden to Bejing not to the likes of Alexandra Occasio-Cortez and the left are only just realising how badly the Left have been shafted.

8 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Lefties get shafted – by Biden."

  1. Schadenfreude in spades! Must get the popcorn in.

  2. It’s not going to be a problem for them, though. Harris will take over soon enough and sort things out.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 20, 2020 at 3:33 pm |

      Possibly. However Harris needs to be able to get her plans through both the House and the Senate not to mention getting challenges via the Supreme Court.

  3. Let’s see:
    Socialist/Communist Leftists vs. Communist/Socialist China as Biden’s lead-holders.
    I’m thinking “top socket or bottom socket for the fork”.

  4. >>> “be beholden to Bejing”

    He will be beholden to anybody who will give him money.

  5. Forgive me for going off topic but I don’t know where to post this.

    This covid 19 is a real pain in the butt.
    I understand we have to protect the disabled and vulnerable but in the house where I live, some guy tested positive last week and has shown no symptoms at all.
    It has inconvenienced the rest of us and we are struggling to get the correct shopping, get our hands on cash – as we cannot go to the bank, some cannot go to work and we are all just hoping and praying that all our results that we are supposed to get next week will be negative.

    An alternative and much cheaper (for the government) idea would be to request the elderly and at risk disabled shield themselves and sign up to a government led delivery service (like meals on wheels) and the government can make a deal with local restaurants to create meals or supply food for the vulnerable that cannot go out.

    This means we can open our shops again and people can get back to work and get the economy moving again. There are less likely to be even more redundancies and it would give restaurants a much needed income.

    This guy that tested positive is not the first person I know to test positive and have no symptoms and people are losing their jobs having to take time off work to isolate. This does happen.

    It’s just an idea and I would like to know what you think but if we don’t get the economy moving again people will be saddled with debt for years to come.

    Let me know.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 22, 2020 at 2:56 pm |

      Welcome to Fahrenheit211. I believe that shielding the vulnerable would be the less destructive way to go. Lockdowns don’t work at least not for something like C19. We can see this from Peru which had a severe lockdown but still has lots of infections. Like you I believe that we should take a different tack and implement sheilding of the vulnerable but unfortunately we are governed by those who seem to have become drunk on authoritarianism and have seemingly no care about the damage that is being done. We need to open up the economy before we end up with no economy left.

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