Good news! Harry is not dead.


I don’t believe in living in an echo chamber, I believe that I should look at and consider other points of view even if I come to the eventual conclusion that I may not always agree with them either in whole or in part. One of those sources that I used to read regularly was the left of centre blog Harry’s Place, which I saw as one of the few places on the Left that allowed open debate and which had thoughtful commentary both above and below the line.

Therefore I was both saddened and mortified to find that Harry’s Place was no more and said so in a previous piece. The normal URL just took me to a placeholder site and I thought that Harry was dead.

Thankfully I found out yesterday that Harry is not dead, he was only resting and that the Harry’s Place site is back up but under a new URL. The new site is at

Apparently what has happened is that the domain was not renewed (I don’t know why) and this caused Harry’s Place to go off air. However it is back and I can go back to seeing the views of the more sensible parts of the centre left being voiced and even being informed and challenged by the views of those with whom I disagree.

1 Comment on "Good news! Harry is not dead."

  1. Thank you for telling me about Harry.
    Very gentlemanlike of you.

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