Quote Of The Day 02/01/2021 – David Kurten gets it right.


A while back I would have suggested that the best way of dislodging the Brown Dwarf ( a failed star that does not posses the wherewithal to properly shine) Sadiq Khan from his place as Mayor of Greater London, would be to vote for the Conservative candidate Shaun Bailey. After all Bailey is educated, has come up from the bottom and has seen life in all its less than glorious state.

Not so much now though. Although I once considered Mr Bailey as a good candidate and one whom I would have voted for had I been a Londoner, he’s blotted his copybook by crawling up the anus of the ‘Wokemonster’ over issues surrounding race and BLM.

I don’t believe that Shaun Bailey can be trusted any more to deliver the sort of government to London that Londoner’s deserve. I can no longer see Bailey standing up against the sort of disgusting woke propaganda put out in the form of New Years Eve fireworks by Sadiq Khan.

David Kurten of the Heritage Party on the other hand, is completely unafraid of taking on the wokeists and it is my belief that London’s government would be better handled by Mr Kurten who has a solid record for taking on Khan over issues of policing and Khan’s general mismanagement of London. The quote below shows that Kurten would have nothing to do with the sort of taxpayer funded propagandising as practised by Khan.

2 Comments on "Quote Of The Day 02/01/2021 – David Kurten gets it right."

  1. I never had any/much faith in Shaun Bailey, a box tick placeman. My hope is that ~1/2 way through campaign he steps back for health/family reasons and endorses David Kurten who has the gravitas, personality and confidence Shaun Bailey lacks

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 2, 2021 at 11:34 pm |

      I was reasonably impressed with him at first. He told some cold hard truths that London and especially his own community needed to hear, but he has jumped on the woke train and I suspect that we will be hearing no more from him about the contribution that fatherlessness makes to the life prospects of Black Londoners. I doubt he would endorse Mr Kurten, the wider Tory party would not let him.

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