Quote of the day 01/06/2021

Britain’s Sikhs have been an absolute asset to the UK.  They’ve loyally and effectively served in our military, worked hard, built businesses and contributed to Britain in so many different ways.  Members of my own family have been helped by Sikhs and the generous help that they’ve given them which has not been forgotten.  The help that individual Sikhs have rendered to my family are of a level that  caused me to have made a promise to the Eternal One that I will always help a Sikh where I can.  The Sikh values of charity, treating all equally, compassion, honesty and respect for all are but a few of the values that are also held in high regard by the vast majority of Britons no matter what their faith or religion.

However, the Sikh community is being traduced and traduced badly by the use of the word ‘Asian’ to describe the horrific rape gangs that afflict so many towns and cities in Britain.  As most Sikhs in Britain are of South Asian heritage the use of the word Asian to describe these savage rape gangs does the Sikhs in Britain a grave disservice.  It tars British Sikhs and other innocent Asian groups, with a sort of stain and stigma that they do not in any way deserve.  This is because we know that the vast majority of the members of these ‘Asian’ rape gangs are not Sikhs or even Hindus or Buddhists or Christians from the Indian Sub-continent, but Muslims and more specifically mostly Muslims from Pakistan.

Today’s quote of the day is from Lord Singh the head of the Network of Sikh Organisations in Britain and takes the form of a letter to The Times newspaper (image below) on the subject of the use of the word ‘Asian’ to describe rape gang members when the correct,  more accurate and honest term to use would be ‘Pakistani Muslims’.  This is because it is Muslims and mostly Pakistani heritage ones at that who make up the vast majority of members of these appalling and damaging rape gangs.

Lord Singh is correct.  We must not use the weasel word ‘Asian’ when what we really mean is Pakistani Muslims.

Source here:  https://twitter.com/SikhMessenger/status/1399631287808319489





2 Comments on "Quote of the day 01/06/2021"

  1. Well said. I have enormous respect for the Sikhs who are among the most loyal of Brits. Charitable, loyal & rigorously wedded to the truth.
    Lord Singh is absolutely correct in his excoriation of that weasel word “Asian”, and his final sentence punctuates it perfectly.
    The practice of pussyfooting around the reality has got to stop as it opens up the divisions and hatred various “worthies” and race baiters such as Abbott, Lammy, Butler, Sultana have stirred up.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 2, 2021 at 6:46 am |

      Thanks you. The use of the word ‘Asian’ to refer to criminals who come from only one section of the Asian community is an injustice.

      Speaking of the appalling race baiter Dawn Butler. Did you see that she got her arse handed to her on a plate? She’s been cheerleading for Stonewall and their ‘diversity’ shakedowns of government departments, something that Liz Trust wants to see curbed. Butler put up a survey question Stonewall or Truss and the people overwhelmingly voted for Truss. See https://order-order.com/2021/06/01/dawn-butlers-anti-truss-poll-backfires/

      PS will shout you later today.

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