‘Wokeyleaks’ – Inside the Celebrity ‘Left’ – This is going to be huge.


I was recently alerted to the existence of what is being called ‘Wokeyleaks’ by the commentator Paul Joseph Watson and it is a story that could end up being absolutely huge and rightly so. The author of Wokeyleaks is a person who moves in celebrity circles and is at present anonymous, although Mr Watson has met the person and has verified that they are who they say they are.

The author of Wokeyleaks which is being featured in the American Spectator magazine is not from the centre-right but is a person who holds left of centre views but who has become disillusioned with the hypocrisy of the celebrity Left. Anybody who takes an interest in politics understands that left wing celebs are awful hypocrites. Too many of them are like the singer Lily Allen who cry tears in ‘refugee’ camps over potentially dangerous illegal invaders, who promise faithfully to the public that they will take one of these ‘refugees’ into their homes but when the chips are down, they refuse to do so. The Lily Allen’s of this world want these ‘refugees’ in Britain but they don’t want to suffer the negative consequences of doing so by having them in their own homes, they want the rest of us, those who can see that these ‘refugees’ are unwanted, burdensome and potentially dangerous, to have to live with them.

The person behind Wokeyleaks appears to be incredibly well connected to what they call the ‘fameoisie’, a portmanteau word based on the words ‘famous’ and ‘Bourgeoisie’. They still consider themselves as being on the Left,it’s just that they’ve come to the conclusion that this fameoisie are not serious about the causes that they support and they are only doing it for likes, clicks and cash.

The Wokeyleaks author has said that they didn’t have any ‘road to Damascus’ moment when they decided that they were disgusted with the lefty celebs, as they put it was more of a gradual process, a ‘death by a thousand cucks’. The Wokeyleaks author has also called out the extreme cowardice of the celeb left who even if they see large moral holes in the arguments of the SJW’s, for example with regards the hounding of the author JK Rowling for standing up for women and against the extremes of the trans cult, stay silent for fear of work drying up and fear of the online mob.

Here’s just one paragraph from the Wokeyleaks article published in the US Spectator on the 21st January 2021. This should give you some flavour of what is to come.

The blurring of the lines between social media and social justice was exemplified with excruciating awkwardness by the patronizing trend of white celebrities giving black celebrities the logins to their social media accounts. The famous Brit Victoria Beckham let a slightly less famous Brit, June Sarpong OBE, take over her Instagram, which will undoubtedly go down with the Montgomery Bus Boycotts as a seminal moment in the history of the civil rights movement. The last time I saw June was in the ‘Equality Lounge’ at Davos, where guests drank Veuve Clicquot courtesy of sponsors, PwC, who had just been exposed for their role in helping Isabel dos Santos steal billions from Angola.

If this paragraph is anything to go by then the Wokeyleaks feature is going to be a massive pin that will burst the balloons of hypocrisy that are flown by the celeb Left. As I said earlier, many of know that these left celebs are hypocrites and empty virtue signalers, but the Wokeyleaks feature looks like it will confirm much of what we’ve come to suspect is going on with the celeb Left and their corporate and Big Tech backers. I look forward to reading much more on this subject.

3 Comments on "‘Wokeyleaks’ – Inside the Celebrity ‘Left’ – This is going to be huge."

  1. the Wokeyleaks feature is going to be a massive pin that will burst the balloons of hypocrisy that are flown by the celeb Left. As I said earlier, many know that these left celebs are hypocrites and empty virtue signalers

    In our dreams. MSM will ignore and Facebook, Twitter et al will censor and “Fact Check”

    Topical: Clap for Captain Tom and NHS
    Whut? He was infected with Covid-19 in hospital – msm ignore that inconvenient fact

    Woke Biden

    From the New York Post we bring you Biden´s push for equity at the expense of equality.

    President Biden´s embrace of utter nonsense pushed by the “woke” continued with last week´s executive orders to “advance racial equity” and “root out systemic racism in housing and criminal justice”.

    The “equity” approach assumes that any outcome that doesn´t meet inane racial quotas is the result of bias. It is, in fact, systematically racist…..

    ….Notice that repeated word, “equity.” Liberals used to call (rightly) for equality of opportunity – to have every American treated the same way before the law. “Equity” demands equal outcomes. If some group of Americans is doing better than another, no matter the reason, Government must fix it….


    Stop Press:
    Over in Spectator USA, Peter Wood says that President Joe Biden, high priest of the cult of woke, has effectively thrown the weight of the Presidency behind Critical Race Theory.

    Stop Press 2:
    TEDxLondon has helpfully explained why it´s no longer using the term “women” and is now using “womxn” instead.

    The trouble is most ordinary people don’t see the difference between equality and equity and just think it’s much the same. They don’t realise the massive difference that the creators of the ideology have in mind. The left have always realised the power of language to obscure what they really want – BLM, Build Back Better, Green

    Equity is not far short of communism

  2. The mainstream media definitely haven’t ignored the fact Captain Tom Moore contracted Covid-19 in hospital. The BBC aside, they’ve all covered it.

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 5, 2021 at 4:59 pm |

      Welcome to F211. That’s good that the press didn’t ignore the NHS covid issue and Cpt Tom. Now I wonder why the BBC did not cover it?

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