From Elsewhere: Kemi Badenoch intellectually spanks Diane Abbott.


Oh dear. Race obsessed race baiter and permanent laughing stock of politics Diane Abbott has had the misfortune to run into someone who is intellectually streets ahead of her and as could be expected, came off worse.

Diane Abbott was asking a question about covid in the House of Commons which as answered by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Equalities, Kemi Badenoch. As was usual for Abbott she was trying to make it seem as if increased deaths and infections in the Black and Asian communities was down to ‘structural racism’. This sort of question is par for the course for race obsessed types like Abbott.

However Ms Badenoch intellectually eviscerated her when she answered her question by pointing out that race was and is not a factor in covid deaths and infections, but lifestyle and culture is. Ms Badenoch used the very accurate analogy and example of the Haredi Jewish community and said that it was not structural anti-Semitism that has caused this community to be hit harder than others by covid, but instead aspects of their culture. She is correct on that. Haredi Jewish families are big, really big, eight to ten children is not that unusual and also many of these families live in close proximity to one another and in multi-generational households. Whilst these sort of households have advantages over smaller ones such as more socialisation and support, they also pose a problem when it comes to things like disease. Any infectious disease can spread quickly in a multi–generational household just as such diseases spread quickly in other close knit environments such as care homes. It’s not anti-Semitic to point out that this sort of household aids the spread of disease because other non-Jewish families in multi-generation households also risk the quick spread of disease in the family.

Here’s a brilliant video from the Parliamentarian channel showing Kemi Badenoch shutting down Diane Abbott in a magnificent and intelligent way.

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Kemi Badenoch intellectually spanks Diane Abbott."

  1. Kemi is a pleasure to listen to. Measured, assured and knows her brief. Best of all refuses to be drawn into the toxic identity politics so beloved of the Left. Dianne Abbot clearly hadn’t read the report properly and as always led on a divisive direction that does noone any favours. Lastly and most telling is by the way she refers to the Haredi community, it’s almost as if they’re a race apart, not white, not non-white.

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 2, 2021 at 5:12 pm |

      Kemi is brilliant, really brilliant. I agree that she fights on her own ground and not on toxic identity politics. Agree as well that Kemi showed very well how DA had not read the report properly. I noticed as well DA’s way of referring to the Haredim it’s like she was searching her mind for an approved identity category to put them in.

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