Quote of the Day 07th June – Some sensible comments from Bill Mahr.


The American comedian, political activist and television host Bill Mahr sits very much on the centre-Left. However, this does not mean that he’s wrong in his assessment of certain matters, in this case on the subject of China. Fox News, has a long excerpt from a Bill Mahr piece about the challenge of China and America’s ability to respond effectively to it.

Mr Mahr said:

“You’re not going to win the battle for the 21st century if you are a silly people. And Americans are a silly people,” Maher began the monologue, alluding to a “Lawrence of Arabia” quote.

Do you know who doesn’t care that there’s a stereotype of a Chinese man in a Dr. Seuss book? China,” he said. “All 1.4 billion of them – because they’re not a silly people. If anything, they are as serious as a prison fight.”

Maher acknowledged that China does “bad stuff” from the concentration camps of Uyghur Muslims to its treatment of Hong Kong. But he stressed, “There’s got to be something between an authoritarian government that tells everyone what to do …and a representative government that can’t do anything at all.” “In two generations, China has built 500 entire cities from scratch, moved the majority of their huge population from poverty to the middle class, and mostly cornered the market in 5G and pharmaceuticals. Oh, and they bought Africa,” Maher said, pointing to China’s global Silk Road infrastructure initiative.

He continued: “In China alone, they have 40,000 kilometers of high-speed rail. America has none. … We’ve been having Infrastructure Week every week since 2009 but we never do anything. Half the country is having a never-ending woke competition deciding whether Mr. Potato Head has a dick and the other half believes we have to stop the lizard people because they’re eating babies. We are a silly people. “Nothing ever moves in this impacted colon of a country. We see a problem and we ignore it, lie about it, fight about it, endlessly litigate it, sunset clause it, kick it down the road, and then write a bill where a half-assed solution doesn’t kick in for 10 years,” Maher explained. “China sees a problem and they fix it. They build a dam. We debate what to rename it.”

The HBO star cited how it took “ten years” for a bus line in San Francisco to pass its environmental review and how it took “16 years” to build the Big Dig tunnel in Boston, comparing that to a 57-story skyscraper that China built in “19 days” and Beijing’s Sanyuan Bridge, which was demolished and rebuilt in “43 hours.” “We binge-watch, they binge-build.

When COVID hit Wuhan, the city built a quarantine center with 4,000 rooms in 10 days and they barely had to use it because they quickly arrested the rest of the disease,” Maher said. “They were back to throwing raves in swimming pools while we were stuck at home surfing the dark web for black market Charmin. We’re not losing to China, we lost. The returns just haven’t all come in yet. They’ve made robots that check a kid’s temperature and got their asses back in school. Most of our kids are still pretending to take Zoom classes while they watch TikTok and their brain cells fully commit ritual suicide.”

Maher then blasted Democratic New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, accusing him of degrading school standards by eliminating merit and substituting a lottery system for admittance to schools for advanced learners. “Do you think China’s doing that, letting political correctness get in the way of nurturing their best and brightest?” Maher continued. “Do you think Chinese colleges are offering courses in ‘The Philosophy of Star Trek, ‘The Sociology of Seinfeld,’ and ‘Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse’? Those are real and so is China. And they are eating our lunch. And believe me, in an hour, they’ll be hungry again.”

Mr Mahr is I’m afraid correct in his assumption that America and the West is full of ‘silly people’. But it may not be the case that the ordinary people are silly or overly concerned with bullshit matters like what to name a dam or idiotic college course. I believe that most people in the West are still pretty based and want no truck with idiocies. The problem lies with those who rule us and those who control our institutions. They are indeed silly and will bring down the West with their stupidity.

2 Comments on "Quote of the Day 07th June – Some sensible comments from Bill Mahr."

  1. Bill Meyer is also an outspoken critic of radical Islam. So is Richard Dawkins who asserts publically that all religion is behind the times in an age of rapidly advancing scientific knowledge. This is why the woke left are trying to keep him off university campuses. Our elite and their lieutenants, who infest the management levels of the public sector are the West’s genuinely dangerous enemy. The problem is with the collapse of UKIP into chaos there is no credible political movement capable of taking on the establishment. Pity since UKIP engineered Brexit and were mainly responsible for lanvcing the BNP boil

    . As for China it is despite its flaws the ideal candidate to replace the West as the top world power should the West collapse. This is their century and they know it.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 8, 2021 at 5:39 am |

      Yes I’ve seen some of his stuff criticising radical Islam and the reaction to him from the far Left. I certainly agree that the Left, who are no longer the outsiders but who are now firmly embedded in the Establishment, represent somewhat of an enemy within. I concur that UKIP’s implosion is bad for Britain.

      If you were to ask me what society I would prefer to live in the it would not be China. I believe the West can be saved but the West needs to become more sensible.

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