Oh look it’s time to clap for more outrageous NHS waste.


As someone who has seen family members suffer and sometimes die because of the incompetence, laziness and callousness of National Health Service staff, you will understand that I will not clap or bow to the idol that has been made of the NHS by the government, the media and the NHS itself. The NHS is a terribly inefficient and overly expensive way of providing British subjects with comprehensive healthcare.

Those who support the NHS try to point to the United States and their healthcare system which is undoubtedly bad and where 60% of personal bankruptcies are related to medical bills as evidence that the NHS is superior. However, the choice doesn’t have to be between the wasteful, inefficient and sometimes cruel NHS and the free market free for all that is the US medical system. There are other ways such as the systems in France, Germany and Singapore where there are various combinations of insurance, government funding and a mix of public, private and charitable healthcare providers. Few go bankrupt over medical bills in these countries and their healthcare systems seem to get similar or sometimes better results for the patients than are achieved by the NHS.

One thing that the healthcare systems of other European countries and some Asian countries do not have when compared with the NHS is politicisation and waste. In the NHS such politicisation and wasteful expenditure on stuff that is really no business of a healthcare provider is all too prevalent.

The commentator Old Holborn does the British nation and the British taxpayer a great service by keeping an eye on the sort of NHS waste that many people in Britain despair about. Most of this waste that Old Holborn uncovers is in the form of ‘diversity and inclusion’ posts, often with hefty salary packages that should not be funded by a healthcare provider and in my view probably should not be funded by the taxpayer at all.

Here’s a screenshot of the latest batch of NHS ‘diversity’ waste that Old Holborn has uncovered.

Still feel like clapping the NHS? I know I don’t. The NHS is unfit for the 21st century. It’s a 1940’s answer to today’s healthcare problems and a system that I believe needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up and turned into a healthcare system that puts the patient, not the ‘diversity’ freeloaders first.

4 Comments on "Oh look it’s time to clap for more outrageous NHS waste."

  1. Stonyground | July 23, 2021 at 6:29 am |

    Surely the staff of the NHS is really diverse already. That has certainly been my experience whenever I have needed any medical care. So even if diversity coordinators were something that some organisations actually needed, which is doubtful, the NHS certainly doesn’t need them.

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 23, 2021 at 7:27 am |

      Other friends including those on the centre Left have said this to me already. These ‘diversity’ drones are not needed in the NHS but we are paying for them and paying for them at the expense of real front line healthcare.

  2. Stonyground | July 23, 2021 at 12:04 pm |

    Another thought that has occurred to me is that this issue is a national disgrace and you have to go to the blogsphere to hear about it. Could the mainstream media be any more useless when it comes to highlighting important issues?

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 23, 2021 at 1:13 pm |

      This is the sort of story that was once the Sun’s stock in trade. Now you don’t hear a peep from the Sun about abuses and waste such as this.

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