On Tommy Robinson’s Libel case

Tommy Robinson


So Tommy Robinson has lost his libel case over claims he made about a Syrian boy in a Northern town. Mr Robinson is now liable for damages of £100k to be paid to the Syrian boy. This result was very much on the cards and for several reasons.

The first is that Mr Robinson made the claims without being absolutely sure that he could be able to back them up in court. He made the claim that the Syrian boy was carrying out attacks on young girls but could not provide sufficient evidence to back up his claim.

The second reason is that being the defendant in a libel case in the English courts is not a position that anybody should want to be in. This is because there is the perception that the English courts take libel very very seriously and it is much more likely that the court will find for the plaintiff rather than the defendant and that libel awards are extremely high and punitive. This is why the English courts have become the go to place for those with the significant resources needed to bring a libel case against either an individual or a publication. Nick Cohen has an excellent article that was published in The Critic magazine about the use by foreign nationals of the English libel courts to counter or silence those who have criticised powerful people.

A litigant in person, which Mr Robinson was as he represented himself, is always going to be at a disadvantage in a libel case especially as the plaintiff in this case was backed up by experienced lawyers paid for by crowdfunding. It is difficult if not impossible to defend a libel case without substantial legal and technical backing. The famous Irving vs Penguin books case of 2000 where the now discredited historical writer David Irving lost a defamation case against Penguin books, was one of those cases that required legal and historical experts to be engaged, at great cost by the defendant in order to show that David Irving’s writings about the Nazis were fundamentally flawed.

As someone who believes that freedom of speech rights needs to be strengthened not weakened I can see how the English libel laws can be used and abused to attack the right of British subjects to speak freely and to shield foreign oligarchs from criticism. Of course, as the court found in Mr Robinson’s case, he made statements without the evidence to back them up, but this case also highlights the need for reform of English libel laws. Personally I’d like to see the libel laws amended to make them more like those in the United States where the plaintiff needs to prove that the false statements have been made with malice. A person can make a wrong claim based on evidence that they may have believed at the time was accurate and maybe in this digital age where information travels much more swiftly than it did in the past, that should be a defence in the English courts as well as the US ones?


2 Comments on "On Tommy Robinson’s Libel case"

  1. Phil Copson | July 23, 2021 at 8:02 am |

    You have missed out the one bit of information that many – hopefully most – readers will be expecting:

    Regardless of the rights or wrongs of this particular case, Tommy Robinson is being harassed to within an inch of his life in order to serve as a grisly warning to anyone else who dares speak out against the imposition of islam.

    Do you know of any way in which funds can be contributed towards his costs ?

    Presumably no crowd-funding source will touch him, but he must have some source? Who are his solicitors?

    Please e-mail me at jagmanphil@ntlworld.com

    Thank you.

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 23, 2021 at 10:08 am |

      Without a doubt Mr Robinson has been harassed by the state over the Islam issue. I’m not sure who his solicitors are or any crowd funding source. He does have US backers according to some reports. I do wonder whether this case could have been settled without going to court? One thing that this case raises for me is that there seems to be a need for a truly independent alternative news agency to cover stories that are to put it mildly ‘contentious’ and which will report such stuff whilst still staying within the criminal and civil law. That might avoid situations where people gob off without thinking and promote unprovable gossip. I know I’d love for there to be an outlet that covered the court cases that the MSM felt wary of covering and stuff that the increasingly left wing NUJ didn’t want to have their members cover, without also being questionable tin foil hat outlets like AltNewsMedia or UK Column News.

      I’ll try to dig out any legal and funding info if I can find it.

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