Stabbing attack on a train in Germany – A usual suspect of usual background.


There’s been a stabbing attack on a train in Germany. I very much doubt that this was the work of a mentally ill Methodist or a Coptic Christian or anyone similar. The age and origin profile plus the nature of the attack does strongly suggest to me that this attacker was Muslim. The German media and police are describing this attacker as being motivated by ‘mental illness’ but I’m really not sure that I believe them. There seem to be an awful lot of murderous attacks carried out by Middle East or Asian Muslims that are ascribed to being the result of mental illness, far more than one would expect from either the general population or members of different groups from the same or similar regions.

I can’t help but wonder what mental illness this attacker was suffering from? Was it something that can be found in the DSM-V book of mental illnesses or is it that this attacker was suffering from something not listed in DSM-V, which is an adherence to Islamic extremism?

4 Comments on "Stabbing attack on a train in Germany – A usual suspect of usual background."

  1. Germany welcomed in many many thousands of people from anywhere, didn’t it occur to them that this sort of thing might be the result? If I threw my home open to all comers I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them abused my generosity. We are allowing thousands of migrants to flood across the channel unchecked every year, might it be good idea to learn a little from the German situation?

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 7, 2021 at 11:31 am |

      The Germans were in my view blinded by their own history. They were somewhat reluctantly let back into the human race after WWII and ever since various German governments have done their utmost to show that they are not like the Germans of 33-45. The opening of the borders by Merkel is of this pattern of behaviour. Merkel wanted to show Germany as a great force for good and opened Germany’s borders to not just genuine refugees but the drek of the planet. The great irony is that post reunification Germany ws as pretty safe place to be a Jew, the community was enriched and reinvigorated by Jews, especially progressive and other non Orthodox Jews from Eastern Europe who came following the fall of the Berlin Wall. The trouble is since Merkel opened Germany’s borders to the Islamic world things are less safe and less easy for Germany’s Jews. It is another irony that Germany, as a way of doing penance for what it did to Europe’s Jews, decided to import into Germany people from some of the most Jew hating cultures on the planet.

      I do agree that Britain needs to learn from Germany’s mistakes but it will take a far better and more responsive government than what we have to do that.

  2. 100% Syrian MUSLIM<media HIDING as long as they can,same in US<
    in my 29yrs a Doctor,NEVER<EVER seen mental patient attackin 4people??
    Simply UNTRUE<no buts or iffs!

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 8, 2021 at 6:06 am |

      In the UK there have been cases of psychiatric patients attacking people but the vast majority of attacks are on hospital staff. Cases where the patient has attacked members of the public happen but are much less common. See and Where there have been multi victim attacks the profile of the crime has been intra familial rather than the patient/offender targeting random people with zero provocation as with this German case.

      The ‘mental health’ excuse has been used so often in cases where Syrians and others from the Middle East attack random people that I’m less inclined to believe this excuse than I once was. I do believe tht the media and the German authorities are not telling the whole truth here. If this case is not directly related to terrorism then it could also be because this individual was not psychologically or culturally fit to live in an advanced Western society.

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