Let’s not beat about the bush here. We can plainly see who these Jew haters are.

Take a look at the short video above and tell me what you see. The video is of a gang of young men screaming, shouting, spitting at a bus load of Orthodox Jews taking a Channuka outing to the West End of London.

This happened in Oxford Street, London’s shop window, the city’s premier retail centre, the home of major chain stores and a place that attracts thousands upon thousands of Christmas shoppers every year. It’s where people, no matter what their religion, take their kids to see the light displays and creative decorations but in recent years it has been sullied by gangs of young men interested in nothing but violence and disorder.

Again I ask you to look at the video and tell me what you see. Look at the phenotypes of the aggressive men and the stereotypical beards and the behaviour of them. Are they Sikhs? Of course not. This sort of behaviour is not their style. What about Hindus, after all they are often brown and have beards? Afraid not. Hating on Jews like this would be extremely odd for Hindus. Could they be a group of particularly unhinged Methodists? Again this is so very unlikely. What we are left with is the followers of Islam. Yet again we have a situation where Jews cannot move around London in any sort of safety because of Jew hating Muslims. This follows on from the despicable ‘Palestine convoy’ case where Muslim men shouted out from cars that they were going to rape Jewish women and children and the case of a lone Muslim who was perambulating around Stamford Hill and punching men and teenage boys.

Here’s part of the Jewish Chronicle report on this case.

Police have been asked to investigate after Jewish teenagers on a Chanukah outing in central London were harassed by a group of young men who spat at their bus and chanted anti-Israel slogans.

The incident took place on Monday evening, when the vehicle carrying a Chabad group of young British Jews and Israelis from north-west London stopped on Oxford Street outside the Primark store.

Some of the teenagers got off the bus to dance and sing in the street. Soon a group of men had started playing music from speakers and dancing alongside them.

Charedi Judaism, of which Chabad is a part, has by and large a culture of being joyful about being Jewish and being joyful about prayer so I can understand why the teens got off of the bus for a bit of a dance around. They were not harming anyone or proslyitising or engaging in any aggressive behaviour, they were just dancing. Most normal people would have just smiled at the dancers and moved on. Unfortunately those the teenagers encountered were not normal reasonable people.

The JC added:

One young woman with the Chabad group who has asked to remain anonymous told the JC the men appeared to be mocking them.

When the Jewish group tried to ignore them, they became more intimidating.

Rabbi Shneor Glitsenstein of the Chabad Israeli Centre Golders Green was on the bus with his group.

He told the JC the men starting shouting “Free Palestine” at them.

To avoid any escalation, Rabbi Shneor told the group get back onto the bus. At this point the men became increasingly aggressive, attacking the vehicle while it waited for a gap in the traffic to drive away.

At least one of the aggressive Muslims who were hassling the Jewish teenagers took off his shoe and started banging on the bus windows with it. This is not in general a behaviour that comes from Britain but a behaviour from the Arab and Islamic world where throwing or banging a shoe is considered a great insult.

The teenagers were apparently from Israel on a trip to London and because they were Israelis and from a Jewish majority nation, they had not experienced any Jew hatred of this sort. I also believe that those in charge of this party may not have known how dangerous parts of London and parts of London’s Islamic community are for Jews. As someone who would not dare to wear a Kippah on my head on the London street I was born on because of a rise in Islam-derived Jew hatred in that area, I certainly would not have stopped a bus load of Jewish teens in Oxford Street because I know that this place attracts a lot of aggressive Muslim men these days. It’s likely that the leader of this party did not know how bad London has got with regards safety for the city’s Jews. However the point is that they should be able to stop and not be hassled by Jew hating Muslims.

This matter has been reported to the Metropolitan Police but I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Met to do anything unless there is a massive public outcry of the sort that related to the ‘Palestine Convoy’ or the punchy Stamford Hill Muslim. Unless there is pressure put on the Met they are likely to want to sweep this under the carpet, possibly for ‘community cohesion’ reasons.

What gets me about this case is that because the video went viral there has been a lot of reporting on it and comment on it by politicians including Nadine Dorries who called it ‘chilling’ and Greater London Mayor Sadiq Khan who cried Crocodile tears about anti-Semitism in a tweet about the attack. However nobody, not the politicians the news outlets, the Community Security Trust who manages security at many British Jewish events or even the JC, British Jewry’s newspaper of record, has mentioned the one thing that we can all see and all observe about the attackers and that is that they are most likely to be Muslim. The appearance of the attackers, the South Asian appearance, the nature of the attack, hostility to Jews and the aggressive pro-’Palestine’ shouts, all point to these attackers being Muslim, yet nobody, not even those entities that purport to protect Britain’s Jews, see fit to report that. Strange omission do you not think?

Another day and another attack on Jews just going about their lawful business. It is also yet another day when those who would readily speak out about Jew hatred that comes from the far Left or far Right fail to speak up about Islam-derived Jew hatred.


4 Comments on "Let’s not beat about the bush here. We can plainly see who these Jew haters are."

  1. Jews are just ordinary folks and probably fall outside the government and police definition of protected species. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for any action to be taken about this if I were you.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 2, 2021 at 7:08 pm |

      The Met only seem to act in defence of London’s Jews when a massive amount of fuss is kicked up about an incident. I doubt very much that the Met would have bothered that much about the shouting Muslims calling for Jewish women and girls to be raped had it not been for the subsequent fuss that erupted from ordinary members of the public both Jews and non-Jews. The Met also seem more interested in Jew hate from the far right Jackboot Lickers than they are when that Jew hate comes from the Left and London’s Muslims. This incident has been denounced by the Muslims Against Antisemitism group but they are a small group with support that comes from the middle class wine bar set and completely integrated Muslims and have no influence over Muslims in some of Britain’s more hostile Islamic ghettos.

      It’s a massive irony that my Jewish family is safer in a part of the country where we were kicked out with violence from in 1290 than we would be in London which was once a haven for Jews escaping Pogroms in Russia and Poland. The difference is it seems is that here there are less hatefilled Leftists and extremist Muslims than there are in London.

  2. I understand and share your anger F211, but as Roy says Jews are included amongst those with “white privilege” whereas feral Muslims are a ” protected species”. Not only that but Islam, as their ideology, is also a “protected species” so No Link Shall Be Drawn, even though it is pellucidly clear to anyone who has not utterly atrophied their powers of observation that the ideology of Islam is behind all such things.
    So this is not unexpected.
    Let’s remember too that when Muslims commit mass murder or mass rape in the land and their victims are either all white children or mostly white commuters, concert goers etc. then the Islamic aspect of the attack (which is the sum totality of the reasons) is also utterly ignored and if anyone suggests that Islam is a factor then they are RACISTS! and ISLAMOPHOBES!
    So the Islam-washing here is simply typical of all such attacks, rapes, murders and mayhew caused by Muslims.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 3, 2021 at 9:09 am |

      Yes the Left does ignore Jews and classes them as a privileged group along with white people in the disgraceful Leftist victim stack. I certainly agree that the media and maybe the police are as you say ‘Islamwashing’ this incident.

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