The Taliban want Afghanistan to be a land without music.


Those who claimed that the Taliban had reformed and were nothing like the old Taliban are rapidly being revealed to be fools. Since Western military forces abandoned Afghanistan the Taliban have been rapidly bringing back its dour and oppressive form of Islam, the very thing that some foolish Western commentators said that they would not do.

The video below shows Taliban supporters smashing up musical instruments in order to create in Afghanistan a land without music or indeed without anything that goes against their interpretation of Islam. Also having watched the video it seems that this destruction of traditional Afghan musical instruments is being done to the accompaniment of the Islamic war cry of ‘Allah hu Akbar’.

The Taliban have not changed. They are the same Taliban that was eradicated from Afghanistan when Western forces went into the country to deal with the terrorist threat that Afghan radical Islam posed to civilised nations. Now that they have returned they are bringing with them all the horrors that Western backed governance held in check for a short while such as the extreme oppression of women, the fascistic religious intolerance and now the Taliban’s war on music.

2 Comments on "The Taliban want Afghanistan to be a land without music."

  1. Aided and abetted by the American democrats and their dead-shark-eyed sock-puppet Jihadi Joe Biden, who in collision with Gen Milley & others bequeathed the Taliban billions of dollars of prime US military equipment, a ready made airfield & base, while abandoning Americans to the Muslim jackals.

  2. I see from the chugger ads on my TV that Afganistan has their begging bowl out.

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