I told you this would happen – Cologne vigilantism edition

A stereotypical angry mob from one of the Frankenstein movies

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve appealed to those in politics to get real and deal with the danger of Islam. I’ve also lost count of the times that I’ve warned what could happen if you get a combination of violent Muslims doing their stuff, and the police doing the square root of sod all about it.

And so it comes to pass, again. In the aftermath of the shocking, disgusting and appalling Islamic mass rape and sexual assaults carried out on German women on New Years Eve, and the police’s choice to police those demonstrating against the Islamic rapists much harder than they did the Islamic rapists themselves, an air of vigilantism has it seems fallen over Cologne. Sadly just like many vigilante groups they hit both the innocent as well as the guilty. According to Sky News, a group of Pakistanis were attacked in Cologne by men rightfully angry at what the Islamic savages had done to their women and girls on New Year’s Eve,and equally angry at police inaction.

Sky News said:

A group of migrants has been attacked by a mob in Cologne, Germany, amid continuing tensions over the assaults on New Year’s Eve.

Police said six people from Pakistan were set upon by a gang numbering around 20 on Sunday, leading to two of them needing hospital treatment.

In a separate incident, a Syrian man was injured after he was attacked by five people.”

One question that Sky is not asking is why were these Pakistanis in Germany at all? They were not from the warzone that is Syria, so why were they there? They also later in the piece use the lie that PEGIDA is ‘far right’ a smear that has worked in the past but may, like the scream of ‘racism’ is starting to lose its power.

There is also no need for Sky News to use the word ‘alleged’ when it comes to the nature and type of person who were the New Years Eve sex attackers in Cologne and elsewhere. We all now know and can see for ourselves that these offences were committed by Muslim males, some of whom had been in Germany for a while and some who had only recently arrived as ‘refugees’.

The people, and especially the women of Cologne have been outrageously abandoned by the police force that they should have relied on to protect them from these imported Islamic savages. The shock among some in the local population when they realise that the police are either not going to defend them or will take the side of the Islamic Savages, has as I predicted, caused a growth of vigilantism. This is an ugly portent for an even uglier future and it is a future that could have been avoided had Germany along with other Free nations used a bit of common sense and kept Muslims and Islam out of their countries. It is Merkel’s suicidal policy of opening up Germany to the worst people from one of the worst cultures on earth, and then pandering to them, which has caused both the New Years Eve rape jihad incidents, and the violent reaction from the German people about them. Merkel is to blame both for the presence of criminal Muslims themselves, and the fact that many Germans have had enough of said criminal Muslims.


Sky News story on vigilante action against Muslims in Cologne.
