This could get very interesting. Trouble in the Mermaids camp.


Like many others I’ve been very concerned with the activities of the pro-paediatric gender transition group Mermaids. Whilst I support the right of adults who have been properly diagnosed with a gender identity disorder to seek help with their condition, help that may end up with gender reassignment, I see putting children on this path as a form of child abuse. This is because children are not capable of making the sort of life changing decisions that are involved with regards to gender reassignment. Society should not be asking children to make decisions that will end up with them being sterilised and committed to lifelong medical intervention as children are just not mentally capable of such decisions.

However there are signs that there are troubles in the Mermaids camp. On the Twitter account of James Esses, a man who was forced off a college course because he believed that there needed to be safeguarding improvements with regards to the treatment of children with gender identity issues, is a Tweet claiming that bad things are happening at Mermaids. Mr Esses has claimed that he has been approached by a former board member for Mermaids. This former board member has alleged that they were forced off of the Mermaids board after they raised safeguarding concerns internally within Mermaids.

If true this allegation is very concerning. Safeguarding concerns with regards to children must be investigated and acted upon. There is no leeway here. If a safeguarding allegation is raised within an organisation then the organisation must investigate it and take action. What must not happen is that the person raising the safeguarding concern be hounded out of the organisation, bullied into silence or otherwise targeted in order to get them to withdraw their safeguarding concern. If this is what has happened at Mermaids then Mermaids is in serious breach of safeguarding rules and laws. This is at present only an allegation that Mermaids has forced off a board member for raising safeguarding concerns but it is an allegation that I am going to be closely watching.

4 Comments on "This could get very interesting. Trouble in the Mermaids camp."

  1. Being a miserable old git myself I must confess I am amazed at the speed this foolishness has taken root. When I was a child I honestly didn’t know anyone who was confused about their gender, could it be the pollution everyone seems to be talking about as well these days?

    • The only pollution causing this is the tide of toxic Marxism that has infiltrated our schools & universities, poisoning & corrupting everything it touches & is particularly harmful to children who are easily led, innocent naïve minds & the bodies, permanently damaged. Meanwhile, if parents complain about this attack on children’s bodies, THEY are investigated & marginalized as “phobic” when the reality is that these so-called “educators” are in reality sexual predators with an unhealthy interest in children’s toilets & the contents of their underwear.

  2. Hmm, yes but I’d distinguish slightly between the growth of ‘toxic Marxism’ as you put it and the growth of arguably natural humanitarian liberalism. We have advanced so that a lady in the Victorian age would not now be put in an Institution for having an illegitamte baby for instance, and homosexuality is no longer a criminal offence. Do you really want to return to the ‘good old days’ of prejudice and discrimination?

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 4, 2022 at 11:59 am |

      Nobody with any sense is suggesting a return to the Victorian era but what does need to be happening is that biological realities are recognised and that society is not held to ransom by small numbers of mad people or overly influenced by such people.

      edit to add. When my grandmother was incarcerated in a mental hospital because of dementia issue one of the women there had been sent there as a teenager because she had got pregnant before marriage. We quite rightly look at such a policy as monstrously unjust but we should also not blind ourselves to the fact that encouraging single parenting has not been an unalloyed good. You only have to look at the devastation that the policy of encouraging single parenting has done for London’s black community to see that. When I was at school the vast majority of my black mates had intact families and they did damned well at school because they had stable families that encouraged respect for education. The black community in London is now dominated by single parents and families where there is no decent male role model which means that kids look for male role models among their peer group and among older men outside of the family and these men may not always be the best role models that these boys could have. Part of the problems that we have with social breakdown are down to the encouragement of single parenting. However my view on this should not be taken as meaning that all single parents are bad parents but single parenting is inherently more difficult and can have worse outcomes.

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