Weekend Movie. A stunner from the 1930’s


An occasional post for a weekend movie that you may like to watch. I saw this one ‘Sabotage’ a few years ago and rewatched it again recently and it still enthralled.

‘Sabotage’ is all about an attempt by a foreign ideology to sabotage Britain’s infrastructure. The name of this foreign ideology is not spoken direct about in the movie, but there are enough hints in it, such as the Eastern European activist characters who speak of a ‘long fight’ to see that it may well be referring to Communism.

This is a movie that I really enjoyed watching again and I hope that you will enjoy watching it as well. I’ve embedded it below but the direct link to it is here.

1 Comment on "Weekend Movie. A stunner from the 1930’s"

  1. Alais Fahrenheit the warning is coming too late, the world of my childhood has almost totally been overwhelmed by foreign and woke culture. It took hundreds of years and numerous terrible wars to forge that world and it has all but vanished in less than a single lifetime. I have a strong belief that those who were so desperate to remove the old values and customs will bitterly regret what they have done when it’s too late.

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