This is exceedingly worrying. Parents should be able to know about contentious subjects being taught in schools.


Parents need to have confidence in their children’s schools and also have confidence that what their children are being taught is fair, accurate, based on reality and age appropriate. Unfortunately what some schools are doing is anything but. Some schools are denying parents access to curriculum materials relating to Relationship and Sex Education. There are increasing suspicions that the schools are using excuses, such as the information cannot be given to parents because of commercial confidentially reasons, to stop parents from viewing curriculum materials which may contain science free content such as the promotion of the ideology of transgenderism.

This matter has, according to GB News, been raised in the House of Lords by Peers who are concerned about such matters.

GB News said:

Parents are being deliberately blocked from seeing sex education material being taught to their children which appears to deny the reality of biological sex, Parliament has been told.

Some providers are “actively seeking” to prevent access to teaching resources by citing commercial confidentiality, according to former director of public prosecutions Lord Macdonald of River Glaven.

To tackle this “obfuscation”, the independent crossbencher is among a number of peers backing a proposed change to the law that will give parents a legal right to review curriculum materials.

He made his comments as the House of Lords continued its detailed scrutiny of the Schools Bill.

Lord Macdonald told the upper chamber that the Government had updated in 2019 the relationships and sex education (RSE) guidance.

He said: “The guidance was clear that content should be age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate and – I underline the next words – anchored in science and material facts.

It seems that a significant number of independent so-called RSE providers have created materials that promote to schoolchildren, including quite young children, the idea that biological sex is a spectrum, that we all have an inner gender identity that should take priority over biological sex and that our assumed genders are assigned to us at birth.

This is something that should be a matter of concern for all parents, especially as the Government has made it all but impossible for parents to withdraw their children from RSE lessons which contains content that they disagree with and which might contain more ideology than fact. If some schools and some teachers are pushing the idea that a child can change their sex (something that is impossible as we cannot change the DNA in our own cells) and hiding this teaching from parents then something has gone really badly wrong in our schools.

Parents deserve the right to see what their child’s schools are teaching the children, but it seems that we have some schools and some teachers who disagree with parents having this right. It appears that some schools in Britain are following the same path as some parts of the United States where ideologically driven teaching staff push their own fact-lite views onto kids. This is something that really needs to be fought or we will end up with even more young people ending up in the gender abattoirs than there are already and living miserable, truncated and medicalised lives.

6 Comments on "This is exceedingly worrying. Parents should be able to know about contentious subjects being taught in schools."

  1. Don’t you think there is a distinct possibly that schools are in fact trying to produce the future generations that the government of the day actually wants? Educated masses are troublesome, all that is really required is cannon fodder if the worst comes to the worst and complacent tax paying consumers it doesn’t. I am old enough to remember when schools in my rural area were only really interested in turning out slightly educated workers with minimal effort from the so called teachers.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 22, 2022 at 5:19 pm |

      An interesting point and I remember in East London as a child how most people were educated to the standard required by Ford Motor Company. However the teachers back then also put a lot of effort into the bright and gifted and took time to help the oddballs such as myself. I’m less inclined to believe that the schools are turning out divvies obsessed by ideology because of some nefarious plan because there are a lot of jobs these days that require at least some form of critical thinking even if it is merely for working in a dole office.

      What I believe has happened is that there is a cohort of educators not just in schools but in teacher training colleges tht have been captured by leftist ideology and push that ideology onto their pupils. The problem of leftists in education is not a recent one. My history teacher in the late 70’s was an avowed and open Communist as was one of my German teachers (used to use copies of GDR Review magazine as teaching materials) and my geography teacher was a 68’r who enjoyed playing around with what are euphemistically called ‘energetic materials’. The difference back then is that these were the oddballs and eccentrics and we could recognise them as such but now the pushers of ideology are being a whole lot more dangerously subtle. Now the ideology is mixed into what has become a therapy culture.

      • I really do struggle to avoid becoming a conspiracy believer and honestly a tin foil hat doesn’t look good on me. I do think there is a requirement for well educated, well balanced people to fill the jobs you mention but the private schools the wealthiest can afford are more than able to supply those people. Honestly the standard of education I see around me in the common herd can only be described as terrible but politicians keep telling me it wonderful. In many ways we are becoming a new USSR, all around things are deteriorating but the government propaganda is saying it’s never been better.

        • Fahrenheit211 | June 23, 2022 at 10:06 am |

          Tin foil hats don’t look good on anybody to be quite frank. Just take a look at the Chemtrails nutters for a clear example of this. There’s been times when I’ve teetered on the tin foil hat abyss but have always kept hold of the rope of reality. What we have in the world today is not so much a conspiracy but a massive series of cock ups made by politicians who might have thought they were doing the ‘right’ thing but instead have done great damage because of their stupidity.

          I can’t remember where I saw it but someone recently compared British politicians of the seventies who had strong convictions but also great political probity and the politicians of today. They said that back then British politicians were people who believed in something and had large constituencies of people linked by common culture to whom they spoke. Now it appears that we are governed by marketeers and PR men and by people who have no sound or strongly held convictions about how to run Britain. We have as the author said exchanged conviction politicians for the SPADS, student politicians and think tankers. The result has been a moribund and drifting political system and I believe that such systems are vulnerable to take over or to being unduly influenced by extremists and other bad actors.

          UPDATE: I’ve found the article about ‘back to the seventies’ and the difference between the politicians then and today. See

  2. Your comments are sound and I don’t think any reasonable person would argue with what you say. We only have to look at how few people are political party members these day to see the extent of the rot at the heart of our political system. That and the ever decreasing number who bother to vote highlights the disillusionment in politics. I think we could be going into a very turbulent period soon and wonder what things might be like after it, very different I would guess but any better?

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 23, 2022 at 12:36 pm |

      Sadly we I believe in for some interesting times as the old Chinese proverb goes.

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