From Elsewhere: Yep. They are watermelons alright.


One of the most accurate descriptions of particular political groups that has ever been made is to refer to Green politicians and activists as ‘watermelons’, which means they are environmentalist green on the outside but dig down underneath and you find the red of Communism. There’s a Twitter user who has dug up some video of so called environmental activists who believe that there can be no such thing as ‘climate justice’ until there is social justice.

There are many of us who’ve seen enough social justice activists to know that ‘social justice’ really means socialism. Also that when you start to put prefixes on the word ‘justice’ you end up with something that is not anything that a reasonable person would recognise as justice. Watch the video below and you can smell the socialism and communism emanating from these activists.

The individuals in the video that has been shared by the Twitter user ‘Marcher’ are clearly not concerned primarily about the state of the planet or about nature or about anything related to the environment. They are clearly Communists and I’d bet that the road to their desired utopia will be lined with Gulags.

These are the watermelons that those who are sceptical about the aims of the ‘green’ movement have long warned about.

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Yep. They are watermelons alright."

  1. I suspect the greens are like all our politicians, they being the great and the good can take private jets etc as they please. Saving the planet is done by the plebs and peasants not their betters. Funny how we have heard so little from the school girl goblin of doom of late, you would have thought people being unable to afford heating and petrol etc would have been music to her ears.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 23, 2022 at 3:20 pm |

      Green activists are, as far as I have found, a bit like Leftist activists especially the middle class kind. The activists believe that they will be part of the nomenklatura who will be running the Green paradise and who will suffer no reduction in their standard of living even though everyone outside of the nomenklatura will be shafted.

      Greta the Doom Goblin has been making some pro-nuclear noises of late. Probably the only bit of common sense that’s ever come out of her gob.

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